News for the workshop of Mapping Christianity in China, 1550-1950

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News for the workshop of Mapping Christianity in China, 1550-1950

The Center for Global Christianity and Mission at Boston University convened a workshop on “Mapping Christianity in China, 1550-1950,” November 19-21, 2020. The Center launched the China Historical Christian Database (CHCD) project in 2018 to map where every Christian church, school, hospital, monastery, orphanage, publishing house, and the like were located in China between 1550 and 1950. The project also seeks to identify who worked inside those buildings, both foreigners and Chinese. The goal is to build a tool that can create spatial maps of when and where Christians were located in China, and a resource that can generate social network maps of Christian actors.

The workshop was designed to mark a milestone in the project. The China Historical Christian Database is exiting its proof-of-concept phase (beta version). Before dramatically upscaling, it was important to get input from various stakeholders. In total, 266 people from twenty-eight countries registered for the event. Scholars, computer scientists, and archivists worked together to lay out a pathway for the CHCD to become transformative for the study of modern China and modern Chinese Christianity. The sessions were recorded and are available at

徐以骅:中国基督教史研究漫谈 会议动态


中国基督教史研究漫谈 徐以骅 复旦大学国际关系与公共事务学院 (本文为2022年12月24日上海大学举办的 “交互与转折:1920 年代与基督教中国化”开幕式上的特邀发言稿。) 本人脱离中国基督教史研...


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