
国学与西学:国际学刊 (中英双语半年刊)

International Journal of Sino-Western Studies

(Chinese-English Bilingual Semi-annual)

Vol. 25, 2023 (2023年第二十五期)

(December 2023, 2023年12月)

ISSN for Print Version: 1799-8204

ISSN-L for Print Version 1799-8204

E-ISSN for Online Version  2242-2471




网络电子版 (SinoWesternStudies.com)和微信版(国学与西学国际学刊)





本刊已被收入芬兰艺术 & 人文学索引 (芬兰国家图书馆)、美国宗教学 & 神学提要数据库(www.rtabstracts.org), 汤姆森路透新资料引用索引 (ESCI, Thomson Reuters) 和 美国神学图书馆协会数据库 (ATLA RDB®, www: http://www.atla.com), the Bibliography of Asian Studies, EBSCO's  Academic research database as a part of a collection of Ultimate databases, SCOPUS, Globethics.net library (a journal collection and the Online Chinese Christianity Collection / OCCC),  ELSEVIER and DOAJ (http://bit.ly/1IPWhtD).







目录 Contents

Vol. 25, 2023 (2023年第二十五期)

卷首语 From the Editor's Desk


IJSWS # 25,pp. 7-20,From the Editors’ Desk Paulos HUANG, YANG Ying, K. H. Ting’s One-Sided Interpretation of Xin (信) as a verb


人学、神学与国学 Humanities, Theology, and Chinese National Studies


IJSWS # 25,pp. 23-31,WANG Xiaoqiang, Lu Shiyong’s Interpretation of the Nature and Artistry of A Verse in “Nine Songs”


IJSWS # 25,pp. 32-44,LIANG Wanjing, The Exotic Country in the Quarrel of the Ancients and the Moderns: Images of China in the Battle of the Books


实践神学与中西教会和社会 Practical Theology and Sino-Western Views on Church and Society


IJSWS # 25,pp. 47-63,QIAO Fei, On the Legal Culture Analysis of Yanzhou Anti-Church Case in Late Qing Dynasty


IJSWS # 25,pp. 64-77,BAI Junxiao, St. Augustine’s Cosmological Arguments on Transcendent Beauty


中西经典与圣经 Chinese and Western Classics and the Bible


IJSWS # 25,pp. 81-98,Jacob Chengwei Feng, The China Aspiration in Light of Jacob’s Narrative (Genesis 25:19-36:43): Toward a Chinese Public Theology for Human Flourishing in the Third Millennium


IJSWS # 25,pp. 99-112,Mo Zhengyi, Women and Aged Disability: A Study of Naomi’s Gender identity and its Transformation in the Book of Ruth


教会历史与中西社会 Church History in the West and in China


IJSWS # 25,pp. 115-131,HAN Xing, The concept of religious authority and power of the monarch in Shang Dynasty


IJSWS # 25,pp. 132-142,Wu Qian, Ontological Theory Based on Practical Wisdom——An Exploration of the Gains and Losses of Mou Zongsan's “Metaphysics of Morality” Construction


比较宗教文化研究 Comparative Religious and Cultural Studies


IJSWS # 25,pp. 145-155,XIE Wenyu, The True Meaning of the Lord of Heaven and the Differences in Concerns between Chinese and Western Thinking


IJSWS # 25,pp. 156-167,XIAO Qinghe, Matteo Ricci and the New Horizon of the Intellectual World in late Ming: A Response to Prof. XIE Wenyu’s Article “The True Meaning of the Lord of Heaven and the Differences in Concerns between Chinese and Western Thinking”


评与通讯 Reviews and Academic Reports


IJSWS # 25,pp. 171-186,YANG Ying, The Definition, Methods and Other Related Issues of Intellectual History ——Also on the History of Martin Luther's Thoughts in China


IJSWS # 25,pp. 187-196,He Danchun, On the Definition and Research Methods of Intellectual History: Taking the Origin of Liberation Theology for example


IJSWS # 25,pp. 197-206,Ruixiang Li, Discussion on the Study of Philosophy and Theology in the Perspective of the Intellectual History: Taking Martin Luther's Influence on Heidegger as an Example


附件 Attachments


IJSWS # 25,pp. 207-210 Notes for Contributors


IJSWS # 25,pp. 211-213 Footnote Format and Requirements


全文下载 Download the Full Text


IJSWS # 25, Full Text pp. 1-214.pdf





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