



2005年,中心人员发生了一些调动,名称也改为“宗教与社会研究中心”。2008年以来,青年博士的加盟成为了中心发展的新动力。目前,中心的基本框架为:陶飞亚教授为主任,刘义博士为常务副主任,肖清和博士为副主任。中国基督教史研究作为核心方向,包括郭红、舒健、杨雄威、杨卫华等;杨莉、沈海燕、黄景春分别从事道教、佛教和民间信仰的研究;宗教与国际事务作为一个新方向,是与新成立的全球学中心联合开展的项目(郭长刚为主任)。此外,我们还得以聘请中国宗教学会会长卓新平教授、北京大学张志刚教授为上海大学自强教授;邀请伦敦大学亚非学院Gary Tiedemann教授来为本科生和研究生开课;聘美国宾州州立大学夏伯嘉教授、香港中文大学吴梓明教授等为兼职教授。


目前,该中心成员具有国家社科基金项目6项、教育部人文社科基金项目3项、上海浦江人才计划2项、上海曙光人才计划1项、上海晨光人才计划2项,以及其他纵向、横向和海外合作项目。主要著作有《中国的基督教乌托邦》、《东亚基督教的再诠释》、《边缘的历史——基督教与近代中国政治》、《基督教与中国社会研究入门》、《全球化、价值观与多元主义》、《全球化背景下的宗教与政治》等;此外,中心成员在《历史研究》、《世界宗教研究》、《道风》,Journal of Chinese Modern History, Studies in World Christianity, Journal of Sino-Western Communications等中外名刊发表论文多篇。


在对外交流方面,郭红受亚洲基督教高等教育联合董事会资助赴鲁汶大学和牛津大学访问一年,刘义在美国乔治城大学伯克利宗教、和平与世界事务中心做博士后研究一年。同时,我们也曾邀请美国宗教学会前会长Wade Clark Roof等来校讲学。在学术活动方面,我们目前推出了《中国基督教史研究通讯》、“宗教与社会”高级讲坛系列、“基督教与中西文化”青年博士论坛系列等。在科研获奖方面,陶飞亚获上海哲学社会科学优秀著作奖和优秀论文奖;2011年,肖清和入选全国百优博士论文奖。











副主任:郭红 、刘义






中国基督教史(涵盖明清天主教、晚清基督教、民国基督教、东亚基督教、当代基督教;基督教与国际 关系):陶飞亚、郭红、刘义、舒健、杨卫华、杨雄威、肖清和、王皓、文英杰、彭睿、王皓、李强、俞强















Ten Yeas’ Endeavour
——Center for the Study of Religion and Chinese Society, Shanghai University

Founded in 2001, the Center for the Study of Religion and Chinese Society at Shanghai University is dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of religion and Chinese society. The two main fields are Christianity in China and the sociology of religion. We are also trying to explore the study of Daoism, Buddhism, Chinese folk religions, as well as religion and international affairs. Now the center is located in College of Liberal Arts, Shanghai University, and has close collaboration with Department of History. We also have extended relations with The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Korean Institute of Advanced Theological Studies, Institute for Religion and Society in Asia (Oxford, UK), Ricci Institute of Chinese-Western Cultural History (USF), Purdue University, University of California at Santa Barbara, Georgetown University, etc.  Prof. Feiya Tao, an expert on Christianity in China, is the current director, who is also Vice-Chairman of Shanghai Association of Religion and the Chinese Association of Boxer Studies. Dr. Yi Liu acts as the Executive Director, and Dr. Thomas Qinghe Xiao is the Associate Director. Other research fellows include Prof. Changgang Cuo, Prof. Li Yang, Prof. Haiyan Shen, Prof. Hong Guo, Prof. Jingchun Huang, Dr. Jian Shu, Dr. Xiongwei Yang, and Dr. Weihua Yang. We also have a few visiting professors, such as Prof. Xinping Zhuo from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Prof. Zhigang Zhang from Peking University, Prof. Daniel H. Bays from Calvin College, Prof. Gary Tiedemann from School of Oriental and African Studies of London University, Prof. Ronnie Po-chia Hsia from Pennsylvania State University, and Prof. Peter Tze Ming Ng from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. During the past decade, we got various grants from the National Foundation of Social Sciences, the Ministry of Education, and Shanghai Education Committee. Among numerous publications, there are A Christian Utopia in China (2004), Re-interpreting Christianity in East Asia (2004), Christianity and Politics in Modern China (2005), Introduction to the Study of Christianity and Chinese Society (2009), Globalization, Value and Pluralism (2010), Religion and Politics in the Global Context (2011), etc. Our colleagues also published a lot of articles in academic journals, such as Historical Research (CASS), World Religious Studies (CASS), Journal of Chinese Modern History (UK), Studies in World Christianity (UK), and Journal of Sino-Western Communications (USA). Other activities include Newsletter on Christianity in China, Lecturer Series on Religion and Society, and Forum of Young Scholars. Our vision is to be the bridge of Chinese and foreign scholars, especially those whose focus is on Christianity in China. We also welcome all scholars of religious studies from different disciplinary backgrounds. Institutional communication and collaboration will be anticipated.


Title:Center for the Study of Religion and Chinese Society, Shanghai University




Academic Director:Prof. TAO Feiya

Director:Dr. WANG Hao

Deputy Director:Dr. GUO Hong、Dr. LIU Yi

Researchers:Dr. SHU Jian、Dr. YANG Weihua、Dr. YANG Xiongwei、Dr. WANG Hao、Dr. CHENG Qing、Dr. HUANG Wei、Prof. HUANG Jingchun、Prof. GUO Changgang、Prof. SHEN Haiyan、Dr. LIU Zhaojing、Dr. CAI Yilun、Dr. WEN Yingjie、Dr. LIU Yinan、Dr. PENG Rui、Dr. CHEN Ruiwen、Dr. LI Qiang、Dr. XIAO Qinghe





Journal: Religion and History