Anthony E. Clark (ed.), China’s Christianity: From Missionary to Indigenous Church

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Among the assumptions interrogated in this volume, edited by Anthony E. Clark, is if Christianity should most accurately be identified as “Chinese” when it displays vestiges of Chinese cultural aesthetics, or whether Chinese Christianity is more indigenous when it is allowed to form its own theological framework. In other words, can theological uniqueness also function as a legitimate Chinese Christian cultural expression in the formation of its own ecclesial identity? Also central to what is explored in this book is how missionary influences, consciously or unconsciously, introduced seeds of independence into the cultural ethos of China’s Christian community. Chinese girls who pushed “the limits of proper behaviour,” for example, added to the larger sense of confidence as China’s Christians began to resist the model of Christianity they had inherited from foreign missionaries.

Contributors are: Robert E. Carbonneau, CP, Christie Chui-Shan Chow, Amanda C. R. Clark, Lydia Gerber, Joseph W. Ho, Joseph Tse-hei Lee, Audrey Seah, Jean-Paul Wiest, and Xiaoxin Wu.

Biographical note

Anthony E. Clark, Ph.D. (2005), University of Oregon, is Edward B. Lindaman Endowed Chair and Associate Professor of Chinese History at Whitworth University. He has published several monographs and articles on Christianity in China, including his most recent book, Heaven in Conflict: Franciscans and the Boxer Uprising in Shanxi (University of Washington Press, 2015).


This book will appeal to anyone seeking new insights into China’s transition from a missionary and denominational Christianity to a more indigenous and culturally homogenized Christian Church.

Table of contents



Introduction: China’s Christianity’ and the Ideal of a Universal Church
Anthony E. Clark

Chapter 1: Christianity Along the Warpath: The Anti-Christian Movement in Shantou during the Eastern Expedition (1925)
Joseph Tse-hei Lee

Chapter 2: Imaging Missions, Visualizing Experience: American Presbyterian Photography, Filmmaking, and Chinese Christianity in Republican China
Joseph W. Ho

Chapter 3: The 1670 Chinese Missal: A Struggle for Indigenization Amidst the Chinese Rites Controversy
Audrey Seah

Chapter 4: Sealing Fate and Changing Course: French Catholicism and Chinese Conversion
Anthony E. Clark

Chapter 5: Testing the Limits of Proper Behavior: Women Students in and beyond the Weimar Mission Schools in Qingdao 1905-1914
Lydia Gerber

Chapter 6: Father Leonard Amrhein, CP: Missionary Zeal and Shared Experience of Suffering and Compassion with Chinese Catholics in Wartime and late Twentieth-Century China
Robert E. Carbonneau

Chapter 7: Adjustment and Advocacy: Charles McCarthy, SJ, and China’s Jesuit Mission in Transition
Amanda C. R. Clark

Chapter 8: Indigenizing the Prophetess: Toward a Chinese Denominational Practice
Christie Chui-Shan Chow

Chapter 9: The Making of a Chinese Church: As Lived by Chinese Christians
Jean-Paul Wiest

Chapter 10: Rapid Progress and Remarkable Accomplishments: Study of Christianity in China by a New Generation of Chinese Scholars
Wu Xiaoxin




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