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比较经学 Journal of Comparative Scripture

二〇一四年 第四辑 2014 Number 4

目录 Contents


专题: 耶儒对话与比较经学

Theme: Christian-Confucian Dialogue and Comparative Scripture


专题引介:耶儒对话与比较经学 3

Introduction to the Theme: Christian-Confucian Dialogue and Comparative Scripture

游斌 YOU Bin


The Lord‟s Prayer as Identity Marker of Christian Community: With a Brief Comparison to Ximing as a Neo-Confucian Primer 9


John Yieh 叶约翰


God or Caesar? A Postcolonial-Critical Reading of Mark 12:13–17 59


Sze-kar Wan 温司卡


Beginning a Comparative Reading of Johannine Dualism 95


Mary F. Foskett 福玛丽


儒耶双重宗教身份与比较神学 117

Confucian-Christian Identity and Comparative Theology

區建铭 AU Kin Ming


“敬天”与“成人”:清初太仓文人的道德践履新探 145

“Jingtian” and “Chengren”: A New Study on the Moral Practice of the Taicang‟s Literati in the Early Qing Dynasty

刘耘华 LIU Yunhua


诠释与更新:清初传教士白晋的敬天学初探 197

Interpretation and Renewal: On Joachim Bouvet‟s (1656-1730) Doctrine of Revering Heaven during the Early Qing Dynasty

肖清和XIAO Qinghe


从确定的正典出发:比较经学视野下的现代儒学重建 243

Starting from the Canon: The Reconstruction of Modern Confucianism from the view of Comparative Scripture

成祖明 CHENG Zuming


儒教文明与基督教文明的相遇:略论现代儒门学者对中西问题的理解 277

The Encounter between Confucian and Christian Civilization: How Modern Confucian Scholars Understand the Problem of China and the West

唐文明 TANG Wenming


Sirens, Bees and „the Silver and Gold of the Egyptians‟: On Early Christian Approaches to Cross-Cultural Dialogue 303


Karl Olav Sandnes 卡尔•桑德斯

书 评



卡尔•贝克、伊拉莉亚•莫拉里主编:《天主教与世界宗教的相遇:一个全面的研究》 329

Karl J. Becker & Ilaria Morali eds. Catholic Engagement with World Religions: A Comprehensive Study

高喆 GAO Zhe


韩大伟:《西方经学史概论》 337

David B. Honey. The History of Western Classical Scholarship

薛立杰 XUE Lijie




*宗旨与稿约Notes for Contributors 347



*引文、注释格式及范例Footnote Format 353



《西学东渐研究》(2023) 刊物撷英


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