Religions Special Issue: Texts, Interpretations, and Reception Histories in Chinese Christianity

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Special Issue Editors

Prof. Dr. Qinghe Xiao

Guest Editor

Center for the Study of Religion and Chinese Society, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China
Interests: history of Christianity in China (especially in Ming and Qing)

Dr. Naomi Thurston

Guest Editor
Divinity School of Chung Chi College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Interests: history of Christianity in Modern China


Dialogues on the Issues of Theodicy in Late Ming Fujian

by Qinghe Xiao
Religions 202415(7), 851; (registering DOI) - 15 Jul 2024


This paper aims to illustrate the dialogues on the issue of theodicy in late Ming Fujian. The Catholicism that entered China in the late Ming dynasty had a competitive relationship with indigenous religions in terms of their meaning systems. Catholicism emphasized the omniscience, [...] Read more.

An Analysis of Jesuit Missionary Aleni’s Interpretation of Aristotelian Theory of Perception: Based on Xingxue Cushu in Late Ming China

by Qi Zhao
Religions 202415(6), 710; - 7 Jun 2024

Viewed by 406


In Xingxue cushu, Aleni devotes himself to elucidating Aristotle’s theory of perception as presented in De Anima and Parva Naturalia. The challenge in this endeavor lies in understanding the essence of Aristotle’s perception, with physicalism and spiritualism holding opposite positions. To [...] Read more.

The Reception History of The Seven Victories and the Localization of The Seven Victories Spiritual Cultivation

by Siyi Han,Chen Liu andYaping Zhou
Religions 202415(5), 575; - 1 May 2024

Viewed by 820


The Seven Victories is one of the most influential works in Catholic literature from the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. The seven victories spiritual cultivation contained therein is the result of the localization of the practice of the Christian faith in the [...] Read more.

The Interpretation of Watchman Nee’s Anthropology and Its Corresponding Ecclesiastical Influence in Contemporary Chinese Mainland Churches

by Ruixiang Li andPaulos Huang
Religions 202415(5), 570; - 30 Apr 2024

Viewed by 948


Watchman Nee’s anthropology has been widely debated and polarized in academic fields. However, Watchman Nee’s concept of human and the problem of ecclesiastical practices have often been overlooked in contemporary Chinese mainland churches. In the first three sections, this paper will start from [...] Read more.

The Prolonged Path of Indigenization: A Study on German Protestant Missionary Ernst Faber’s Chinese Literary Works

by Ruotong Shi andHanyi Zhang
Religions 202415(5), 563; - 30 Apr 2024

Viewed by 814


Ernst Faber’s 34 years of literary missionary works reveal his commitment to refining his approach to indigenizing Christianity in China. Employing three linguistic and cultural adaptation strategies—translation and commentary of the Bible, examination and analysis of missionary practical outcomes in Western society, and [...] Read more.

Accommodation Strategies in Education: Exploring Jesuit Textbook Publication in Modern Shanghai

by Wei Mo
Religions 202415(4), 385; - 22 Mar 2024

Viewed by 843


This study examines the Jesuits’ significant contributions to China’s modernization through their involvement in textbook publication. It analyzes a recently discovered historical Catalogus of 1934 written in Latin to uncover insights. Specifically, it explores how the Jesuit T`ou-sè-wè Press in Shanghai responded to [...] Read more.

The Images of Jesus and the Virgin Mary in the Early Qing Collection of Taoist Immortal Stories

by Dadui Yao
Religions 202415(3), 370; - 20 Mar 2024

Viewed by 1201


The book Lidai Shenxian Tongjian (The Comprehensive Mirror of Immortals Throughout the Dynasties), a compilation of Taoist narratives from the early Qing dynasty, contains a dedicated section on “The Life of Jesus,” accompanied by two images portraying Jesus and the Virgin [...] Read more.

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Pedro de la Piñuela’s Bencao Bu and the Cultural Exchanges between China and the West

by Junyang Ye
Religions 202415(3), 343; - 12 Mar 2024

Viewed by 892


In the 16th and 17th centuries, Catholic missionaries in China adopted the strategy of cultural accommodation and engaged in extensive interactions with Chinese literati and the general population in order to integrate into Chinese society. They left numerous writings in the Chinese language, [...] Read more.

The Parable of Wise and Foolish Builders in Yishen Lun and Rabbinic Literature

by David Tam
Religions 202415(1), 107; - 15 Jan 2024

Viewed by 846


The paper undertakes a comparative analysis of the parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders as presented in three distinct sources: the seventh-century Dunhuang manuscript Yishen Lun (Discourse on God), the sixth-century rabbinic text Avot D’Rabbi Nathan, and the Gospels (Matthew and [...] Read more.

Sessō Sōsai and the Chinese Anti-Christian Discourse

by Qiaoyu Han
Religions 202314(8), 1058; - 18 Aug 2023

Viewed by 1177


The early Tokugawa period witnessed the establishment of anti-Christian policy as a significant agenda. In 1647, Sessō Sōsai, a Zen monk, undertook the task of delivering sermons in Nagasaki, aiming to convert the local population to Buddhism. Following his preaching, Sessō authored two [...] Read more.

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胡健文:王弘诲与利玛窦两次会面考兼论耶稣会士首次入京受挫 044 陈静怡:皇命与主命之间:耶稣会士汤若望关于明清鼎革的历史书写 052 肖清和:“选须实选、练须实练”:徐光启练兵史论 070 林宏:瑞...
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