Journal of Chinese Theology no.2 2024

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Journal of Chinese TheologyVolume 10 (2024) Issue 2

ISSN 2772-6606. Brill.


ISSN 2772-6606。博睿出版社。

Chief Editor: Paulos Huang

Guest Editor: Prof. HONG Liang

Autors: Andrew T. Loke and Kai Yang Lam, Kai-man KWAN, Guo Rui, LAI Pan Chiu and CHONG Chun-ming.

主编 黄保罗



Topic: Transhumanism and Endangered Human Dignity in the Age of Artificial Intelligence and Climate Crisis: Critical Reflections from the Perspective of Theological Anthropology and Chinese Culture

主题:人工智能以及气候危机时代中的超人类主义与被危害的人类尊严: 源于神学人论和中国文化视角的批判性反思

Introduction: Can transhumanism and its morphological freedom be the defenders of the endangered human dignity of our times, as its advocates believe? How should Christian theology in our time understand transhumanism? What substantive challenges does it pose to the former? All six contributors in this issue argue that transhumanism as a techno-cultural vision does not represent a way out of the crisis of modernity – on the contrary, it embodies the inherent problems of the modern worldview – and that critical reflection from a theological-anthropological and Chinese cultural perspective will help to understand the threatened human dignity in our time. The central goal here is not to give a simple answer in terms of accepting or rejecting transhumanism, but rather, through it, to understand the current era, which is plagued by technological and environmental problems, both theologically and culturally.

简介: 超人类主义及其形态自由观能否像其倡导者所相信的那样,成为我们这个时代受到危害的人类尊严的捍卫者?我们这个时代的基督教神学应该如何来理解超人类主义?超人类主义给前者带来了哪些实质性挑战?本期的六位撰稿人一致认为,作为一种技术-文化愿景,超人类主义并不代表着一种摆脱现代性危机的出路——恰恰相反,它显示了现代世界观的诸多固有问题;源于神学人论视角以及中国文化视角的批判性反思,将有助于理解在我们这个时代中受到危害的人类尊严。本辑的核心目标并非给出一个接受还是拒绝超人类主义的简单答案,而是透过超人类主义,从神学层面和文化层面来理解被技术问题与环境问题所困扰的当下时代。

目录Editorial: Transhumanism and Endangered Human Dignity  in the Age of Artificial Intelligence and Climate Crisis: Critical Reflections from the Perspective of Theological Anthropology and Chinese Culture

导言:人工智能以及气候危机时代中的超人类主义与被危害的人类尊严: 源于神学人论和中国文化视角的批判性反思

著者:HONG Liang [洪 亮]

Artificial Intelligence and Analytic Theology in Chinese Context


著者: Andrew T. Loke[骆 德恩] and Kai Yang Lam[蓝 凯扬]

Sex Robot Utopianism and the Transhumanist Vision: A Critical Reflection


著者:Kai-man Kwan[關 啟文]

Technology and Humanity in Chinese Christian Perspective: With Special References to Anthropocene and Transhumanism


著者: Lai Pan-chiu[赖 品超] and Chong Chun-ming[庄 俊明]

Transhumanism, Disability, and Human Flourishing – On the Legal Regulation of Radical Enhancement

超人类主义、残障与人类繁盛 – 论针对激进增强的法律规制

著者: Rui Guo[郭 锐]


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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
