Books on Christianity Published in China from 1978 to 2002

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Books on Christianity Published in China from 1978 to 2002
Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism
Written by Max Weber [German], translated by Yu Xiao, et. al., Sanlian
Bookstore, 1978
Historical Materials on the Russian Missionary Group Stationed in
Edited by Russian Teaching Group of Beijin No.2 Foreign Languages
Institute, Commercial Press,1978
An Outline History of Christianity
Written by Yang Zhen, Sanlian Bookstore, 1979
Three Major Religions of the World
Written by Huang Xinchuan,, Sanlian Bookstore, 1979
Studies on World Religions (No.Ⅰ)
Edited by Institute of World Religions under the Chinese Academy of
Social Sciences, China Social Science Press, 1979
Criticism of Christianity by Young Hegelians - on Positivity of
Edited by Xue Hua, China Social Science Press, 1980
Historical Materials on the Church Cases in Shandong
Edited by Lian Lisan, et. al., Qilu Press,1980
Studies on World Religion (Vol.Ⅱ)
Edited by Institute of World Religions under the Chinese Academy of
Social Sciences, China Social Science Press, 1980
Missionaries and Modern China
Written by Gu ChangSheng ,Shanghai People's Publishing House, 1981
Bible Stories
Translated by Xi Chuanji and Gu Yunpu from Polish, Tianjin People's
Publishing House, 1981
History of Religions,Ⅱ, Part 2, Christianity
Written by George F. Moore [American], translated by Editing and
Translating Group of Foreign Languages Department, Fujian Teachers
University, Beijing Commercial Press, 1981
The Life of Jesus
Written by Friderich D. Strauss [German], translated by Wu Yongquan,
Beijing Commercial Press, 1981
The Holy Church Goes into Sichuan?
Written by Gourdon [French], Sichuan People's Publishing House, 1981
The Boxers Movement in Sichuan
Written by Zhang Li, Sichuan People's Publishing House, 1982
Religion and Science
Written by Bertrand A. Russell [British], translated by Xu Yichun and
Lin Guofu, Commercial Press, 1982
Christianity Not Mysterious
Written by John Toland [British], translated by Zhang Ji'an, Beijing
Commercial Press, 1982
Who Is Jesus?
Translated by Ma Cai from Japanese, Beijing Commercial Press, 1982
Stories from the Bible
Written by Zhang Jiuxuan, China Social Science Press, 1982
Christianity in Ancient China and Jews in Kaifeng
Written by Jiang Wenhan, Shanghai Zhishi (Knowledge) Publishing House,
China in the Sixteenth Century: The Journals of Matteo Ricci
By Matteo Ricci [Italian], translated by He Gaoji, et. al., China Book
Publishing House, 1983
Writings and Translations of Xu Guangqi
Shanghai Ancient Classics Press, 1983
A Selection of Literary Stories from the Bible
By Zhu Weizhi, Beijing Publishing House, 1983
History of Mission in Jiangnan
Written by J. Ca. Serviere [French], translated by Translating and
Writing Group of History of Shanghai Parish of Catholicism, Shanghai
Yiwen Press,1983
The Discovery of Man-Martin Luther and the Reformation
Written by Li Pingye, Sichuan People's Publishing House, 1983
Christians in China before the Year 1550
Written by Arthur C. Moule [American], translated by Hao Zhenhua, China
Book Publishing House, 1984
Culture and Religion
Translated by Zhang Weida from Romaninan, China Social Science Press,
A General Survey of Religion in Various Countries
Edited by Editing and Writing Group of " A General of Religion in
Various Countries" of Institute of World Religions, China Social
Science Press, 1984
Matteo Ricci in Zhaoqing
Written by Luo Fangguang, Literature and History of Zhaoqing (Vol.2),
Literary and Historical Data Committee under CPPCC Zhaoqing Municipal
Committee, 1985
Religion in the History of Various Peoples of the World
Written by S.A. Tokarev [former Soviet Union], translated by Wei
Qingzheng, China Social Science Press, 1985
>From Robert Morrison to John Leighton Stuart: Critical Biographies of
Protestant Missionaries to China
Written by Gu Changsheng, Shanghai People's Publishing House, 1985
A Collection of Materials about Catholics and Protestants in Guangxi
Edited by Yu Luoliang, Chen Renhua and Wu Guoqiang, Guangxi Minzu
(Nationality) Publishing House,1985
Archives of Church Cases and Boxers Movement in Sichuan
Edited by Sichuan Archives, Sichuan People's Publishing House, 1985
Christian Occupation of China - Statistics on Christian Undertakings
in China (1901-1920)
Translated by Institute of World Religion, Chinese Academy of Social
Sciences, 1985
History of the pope
Edited by Sun Qingfang, Beijing Commercial Press, 1985
The Course of Religion
Written by Chen Rongfu, Shangxi People's Publishing House, 1986
Notes on Religion
Edited by Yunnan Provincial Academy of Social Sciences, Yunnan
People's Publishing House, 1986
The Rights to Heresy
Written by S. Zweig [Austrian], Beijing Sanlian Bookstore, 1986
Written by H. Carpenter, Workers' Publishing House, 1986
The Orthodox Church and Orthodox Church in China
Written by Zhang Sui, Xuelin Publishing House, 1986
Catholic Jesuits in China during the Ming and Qing
Written by Jiang Wenhan, Shanghai Zhishi (Knowledge) Publishing House,
A Study on Church Cases in Modern China
Edited by Sichuan Social Sciences Association, Sichuan Provincial
Social Science Academy Press, 1987
A History of Church Cases in China
Written by Zhang Li and Liu Jiantang, Sichuan Provincial Social Science
Academy Press, 1987
A New Picture of Jesus Christ
Written by Chen Guying, Beijing Sanlian Bookstore, 1987
Deuterocanonicals / Apocrypha
Translated by Zhang Jiuxuan, Beijing Commercial Press, 1987
The Culture of "God" in the Middle Ages: History of Christian
Church in the Middle Ages
Written by Zhang Sui, Zhejiang People's Publishing House, 1987
Jesus Christ
Written by Yuan Ding'an, Shanghai Commercial Press, 1987
Written by Anthony J. Kenny [British], translated by Huang Yong,
Workers' Publishing House, 1987
Comparative Religion: A History
Written by Eric J. Sharpe [British], translated by Lu Daji, et. al.,
Shanghai People's Publishing House, 1988
Guardian of Darkness and Ignorance- The Inquisition
Written by Dong Jinquan, Zhejiang People's Publishing House, 1988
Ten Major Religions of the World
By Huang Xinchuan, chief ed., Dongfang (Orient) Press, 1988
Life of Jesus
Translated by Xu Bin and Tao Wanguang from Japanese, Jilin People's
Publishing House, 1988
A Discourse on the Origin of Religion
Written by Zhuo Xinping, Hunan People's Publishing House, 1988
A Brief Survey on Religion of Minority Ethnic Groups in China
Written by Qin Guangguang, et. al., Central Minzu (Nationality)
Institute Press, 1988
Biographies of Historical Figures of Catholicism in China
Written by Fang Hao, China Book Publishing House, 1988
Written by Tong Xuyuan, revised by Chong Zhen, Beijing Xinhua Press,
A History of Ancient Christianity
Written by Xu Huaiqi, East China Teachers Press, 1988
Three Major Religions of the World and Their Schools
By Yu Ke, chief ed., Hunan People's Publishing House, 1988
Philosophy of Christianity
Written by Yin Dayi, Sichuan People's Publishing House, 1988
How to Read the Bible as Literature
Written by Ryken Leland, et. al. [American], translated by Xu Zhong,
et. al., Chunfeng (Spring Breeze) Literature Press, 1988
Relics, Wisdom and Admonitions of God: Records of Words and Deeds of
Translated by Ma Zijun and Luo Linping, Shanghai Sanlian Bookstore,
Stories from the Bible
Written by Hendrik W.Van Loon, translated by Shi Lu and Yi Yi, Beijing
Sanlian Bookstore, 1988
Life of Jesus Christ
Written by Zhao Zichen, Shanghai Municipal Social Science Academy
Press, 1988
The "Soul Teacher"-Johann Adam Schall von Bell
Translated by Da Subin and Zhang Xiaohu from German, People's
University of China Press, 1989
Admonitions from the Bible
Edited by Xiu Xiong and Mao Fei, China Reconstructs Press, 1989
Martin Luther
Written by Hans Liyi et. al., translated by Hua Jun and Shu Zhu,
Beijing Commercial Press, 1989
Christianity and Aesthetics
Written by Yan Guozhong, Liaoning People's Publishing House, 1989
100 Questions on Knowledge about Christianity
Edited by Yue Feng and Wen Yong, China Reconstructs Press, 1989
A Dictionary of Names in New Testaments
Edited by Bai YunXiao, Tianjin People's Publishing House, 1989
Facing Life with Christ
Translated by Jiang Qing from English, Beijing Sanlian Bookstore, 1989
Catholicism in China: Past and Present
Written by Gu Yulu, Shanghai Municipal Social Science Academy Press,
Religion and Literature
Written by H. Gardner, translated by Shen Hong and Jiang Xianchun,
Sichuan People's Publishing House,1989
Religion and the Rise of Western Culture
Written by C. Dawson, translated by Chang Chun, et. al., Sichuan
People's Publishing House, 1989
Christianity and Culture
Written by T. S. Eliot, translated by Yang Minsheng, et. al., Sichuan
People's Publishing House, 1989
A 12-Lecture Course on Literature of the Bible
Written by Zhu Weizhi, People's Literature Publising House, 1989
People Seeking the Kingdom of Heaven - Life of Religions Personages
around the World
Edited and published by Zhishi (Knowledge) Press, 1989
The Appeal of Secrets - A Glimpse of Religious Culture and Art
Edited and published by Zhishi (Knowledge) Press, 1989
A Heavenly Book in the Human World - A Brief Survey of Religious
Edited and published by Zhishi (Knowledge) Press, 1989
Twentieth Century Religious Thought
Written by John Macquarrie [British], translated by Gao Shining and He
Guanghu, Shanghai People's Publishing House, 1989
An Outline History of Religion in the World
Written by Wang Zhongxin and Wen Yong, People's Post and
Telecommunications Press, 1989
An Outline History of Religious Reformation
By Guo Zhenduo, chief ed., Henan University Press, 1989
God, Jesus and Church
Written by Zheng Minglu, Xiamen University Press, 1989
How to Celebrate Christmas
Written by Zhuo Xianmin, Shanghai Jiaotong University Press, 1989
The Secrete History of Jesuits
Written by E. Paris [French], translated by Zhang Jiaping, et. al.,
China Social Science Press, 1990
A Survey of Catholic Missionary History in China
Written by Xu Zongze, Shanghai Tushanwan Book Publishing House, 1938
(first print), Shanghai Bookstore, 1990 (photo offset)
Christianity and Chinese Religions
Written by Julia Ching and Hans Küng, translated by Wu Hua, Beijing
Sanlian Bookstore, 1990
China Encyclopedia Press, 1990
Christianity and Aesthetics
Written by Sun Jin, Chongqing Publishing House, 1990
F. D. E. Schleiermacher
Written by F. W. Kantzenbach [German], translated by Ren Li, China
Social Science Press, 1990
A Trip in Southern China in 16th Century
Translated by He Gaoji from English, China Book Publishing House, 1990
Theology and Metaphysics
Written by J. Richmond [American], translated by Zhu Daiqiang and Sun
Shanling, Sichuan People's Publishing House, 1990
The Cross and the Dragon
Written by Sun Jiang, Zhejiang People's Publishing House, 1990
The Christian Church in Beijing
Edited by Beijing Municipal Committee of Christian Three-Self Patriotic
Movement, China Nationalities Photographic Art Press, 1990
The Catholic Church in Beijing
Edited by Beijing Municipal Committee of Christian Three-Self Patriotic
Movement, China Nationalities Photographic Art Press, 1990
Who Is Who in the Bible
Written by P. Calvocoressi [British], edited and translated by Zhong
Zhangsheng and Xiao Hui, Shanghai People's Publishing House, 1990
A Dictionary of Figures in the Old Testament
Edited and translated by Bai Yunxiao, Tianjin People's Publishing
House, 1990
An Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Bible
By Liang Gong, chief ed., Liaoning People's Publishing House, 1990
Christian Culture Review (Vols. 1,2 and 3)
Editing Committee of "Christian Culture Review," Guizhou People's
Publishing House, 1990-92
Buddhism and Christianity in the Early Stage
Translated by Wei Zunru and Li Guiling, China Today Press, 1991
Religion in Society-A Sociology and Religion
Written by R. L. Johnstone, translated by Yin Jinli and Zhang Lei,
Sichuan People's Publishing House, 1991
Religion and the Rise of Modern Science
Written by R. Hooykaas, translated by Qian Futing, et. al., Sichuan
People's Publishing House, 1991
A Dictionary of Religions Knowledge
Edited by Lei ZhenChang and Lin Guocan, China Radio and Television
Press, 1991
Biographies of Famous Personages of Religion
Written by Dong Jie, Jilin Literature and History Press, 1991
Marx and Engels on Atheism, Religion and Church
Written by Zheng Tianxing, Huawen Publishing House, 1991
Religions of the World
Written by L. M. Hopfe and M. R. Woodward, translated by Zhang Yungang,
et. al., Zhishi (Knowledge) Publishing House, 1991
The Pluralist Outlook of God - A General Survey of Western Religious
Philosophy in the 20th Century
Written by He Guanghu, Guizhou People's Publishing House, 1991
Three Major Religions of the World and Art
by Zhang Xikun, chief ed., Jilin People's Publishing House, 1991
Admonitions from the Bible
Edited and translated by Liang Gong, Lijiang Press, 1991
A Selection of Religious Philosophical Writings in 20th Century West
by Liu Xiaofeng, chief ed., Shanghai Sanlian Bookstore, 1991
China and Christianity: A Comparative Study of the Culture of China and
Written by J. Gernet [French], translated by Geng Sheng, Shanghai
Ancient Classics Press, 1991
The Bible as Literature, An Introduction
Written by J. B. Gadel and C. B. Wheeler, translated by Liang Gong, et.
al., Shanghai Sanlian Bookstore, 1991
A History of the Christian Church
Written by Williston G. Walker, translated by Sun Shanling, et. al.,
China Social Science Press, 1991
A Encyclopedic Book on Christian Culture
Edited by Ding Guangxun, Jinan Press, 1991
The World Three Major Religions in China
Edited by Cao Qi and Peng Yao, China Social Science Press, 1991
Chinese and Western Culture and Church University
Edited by Zhang Kaiyuan and Lin Wei, Hubei Education Press, 1991
A Panorama of Christian Culture
Edited by section on Christianity, Institute of World Religions,
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Qilu Press, 1991
Appreciating the Bible
Written by Zhuo Xinping, China Social Science Press, 1992
A Dictionary of Bible Stories
by Xie Jinliang and Lu Guanquan, chief eds., Fudan University Press,
A History of Christian Church
Written by Zhang Sui, Shanghai Sanlian Bookstore, 1992
Mysticism in the World's Religions
Written by Geoggrey Parrinder, translated by Shu Xiaowei and Xu Junyao,
China Today Press, 1992
On Religious Life
Translated by Xu Junyao and Wei Daoru from English, China Today Press,
Religious Reformation and Ideological Trends in Contemporary Society of
the West
Written by Li Pingye, China Today Press, 1992
Religion as Art: An Interpretation
Written by Thomas. R. Martland [American], translated by Li Jun and
Zhang Zong, China Today Press, 1992
Anthropological Studies of Religion, an Introductory Text
Written by Brian Morris [British], translated by Zhou Guoli, China
Today Press, 1992
Theory of Religious Harmony: Past, Present and Future of Religion in
Written by Gu Weikang, Xuelin Publishing House, 1992
A Selection of Religious Classics
by Luo Zhufeng, chief ed., notes by Mi Shoujiang, et. al., East China
Teachers University Press, 1992
A History of the Reformation (Book One)
Written by Thomas M. Lindsay [British], translated by Kong Xiangmin,
et. al., Commercial Press, 1992
Understanding the Bible
Edited by Wen Yong, et. al., China Today Press, 1992
A History of Activities of Missionaries Going into Tibet in the Early
Written by Wu Kunming, China Tibetology Press, 1992
A Complete Collection of Translated Bible Stories with Pictures
Translated by Xiao Lianbing, et. al., pictures by Liu Xueli and Wang
Zhixue, Beijing Teachers University Press, 1992
Modern Christian Thought (Vol. 1), From the enlightenment to Vatican

Written by James C. Livingston and Francis S. Fiorenza, translated by
He Guanghu, Sichuan People's Publishing House, 1992
Modern Christian Thought (Vol.2)
Written by James C. Livingston and Terry Lundgren, translated by He
Guanghu, Sichuan People's Publishing House, 1992
100 Questions on Christianity
Edited by Yue Feng and Wen Yong, China Today Press, 1992
A Concise Encyclopedia on Christianity
Edited by Shanghai Branch of China Encyclopedia Press, Shanghai Branch
of China Encyclopedia Press, 1992
Nestorianism of China - A Study of Ancient Christianity in China
Written by Zhu Qianzhi, Beijing Dongfang (Orient) Press, 1993
A Dictionary of Bible Allusions
Edited by Liang Gong, Liaoning People's Publishing House, 1993
Bible Stories
Edited by Zhang Jiuxuan, Jilin People's Publishing House, 1993
A Guide to the Bible
Written by Liang Gong, Liaoning People's Publishing House, 1993
Modern Protestantism
by Yu Ke, chief ed., Beijing Dongfang (Orient) Press,1993
The Life of Matteo Ricci, the Priest
Written by R. P. Henri Bernard [French], translated by Guan Zhenhu,
Beijing Commercial Press, 1993
Here I Stand: A Life of Martin Luther
Written by Roland H. Bainton [American], translated by Lu Zhongshi and
Gu Leren, Beijing Commercial Press, 1993
Christ of Faith and the Jesus of History (Vol. 2)
Written by D. F. Strauss [German], translated by Wu Yongquan, Beijing
Commercial Press, 1993
A History of Christianity
by Tang Yi, chief ed., China Social Science Academy Press, 1993
Dictionary of the Bible
Written by James Hastings [British], translated and edited by Shanghai
Canton Society, Central Editing and Translating Press, 1994
Bible Stories (Revised)
Edited by Zhang Jiuxuan, Hongqi (Red Flag) Press, February 1994
Bible Stories
Edited by Duan Qi, Yilin Press, November 1994
God and American - Christianity and American Society
Written by Lei Yutian, Shanghai People's Publishing House, April 1994

American Religion in the Eyes of a Chinese - Evolution of Religion in
Written by Duan Qi, China Today Press, June 1994
The Dialogue between the owl and God - Essential Issues in Christian
Written by Zhang Zhigang, Dongfamg (Orient) Press, 1994
1500 Years of Christian Philosophy (A Library of Philosophers)
Written by Zhao Dunhua, People's Publishing House, August 1994
Ethics and Liberation: An Introduction
Written by Charles L. Kammer [American],translated by Wang Suping,
China Social Science Press, June 1994
Christianity and modern China
Written by Yang Tianhong, Sichuan People's Publishing House, August
Christianity and Confucianism at the End of Ming
Written by Sun Shangyang, Shanghai People's Publishing House,
December 1994
The Spread of Western Culture to the East and the Society in Late Qing
Written by Xiong Yuezhi, Shanghai People's Publishing House, AugUst,
A Dictionary of Christianity
Edited by"Christianty Dictionary"Editing Group, Beijing Languages
Institute Press, September 1994
Truth to the Cross - Christian Theology in the 20th Century: An
Introduction (Shanghai Sanlian Library)
Written by Liu Xiaofeng, Shanghai Sanlian Bookstore, April 1994
A Collection of Papers on History of Chinese Missionary Universities
By Jia Deng, chief ed., Chengdu Science and Technology University
Press, 1994
History of Missionary Schools in China
By Gao Shiliang, chief ed., Hunan Education Press, 1994
Questions and Answers on Essentials of the Bible
Edited by Henan Provincial Society of Jesuits, Religious Culture Press,
October 1995
Modern Soul Men
Edited by He Lianzhao, Religious Culture Press, October 1995
The Complete Bible
Edited Henan Provincial Catholic Church Affairs Committee, Religious
Culture Press, October 1995
Essential Knowledge about the Bible
Written by Duan Qi, Sichuan People's Publishing House, September 1995

Females in the Bible (Series on Study of Bible Culture)
By Hong wen, chief ed., Yunnan People's Publishing House, May 1995
Quotations from the Bible and Flashes of the Mind (Series on Study of
Bible Culture)
By Hong wen, chief ed., Yunnan People's Publishing House, May 1995
Bible stories
Edited by Zeng Chuanhui, et. al., China Social Science Press, 1995
Bible Stories
Edited by Guo Chenghui, Shanghai Sanlian Bookstore, September 1995
A Selection of Stories Explaining the Bible (Series on Study of Bible
By Hong Wen, chief e. d., Yunnan People's Publishing House, September
A Land Flowing with Milk and Honey (Academic Study Series on
Christianity of Various Ages)
Written by E. M. Wendel, translated by Diao Chengjun, Sanlian
Bookstore, August 1995
Beliefs in History and Society - Study of a Basic and Practical
Theology (Chinese Academic Library of Christian Thought in History)
Written by Johann Baptist Metz [German], translated by Zhu Yanbing,
Sanlian Bookstore, 1995
Deeds and Words
by Liu Xiaofeng, chief ed., Sanlian Bookstore, 1995
On Being a Christian
Written by Hans Küng, translated by Yang Deyou, Sanlian Bookstore,
Biographies of Popes in Rome
Written by Liu Minghan, Dongfang (Orient) Press, 1995
The Mongols and the Vatican (A Series of Translated Famous Writings on
Sino-Foreign Relations)
Written by P. Pelliot, translated by Feng Chengjun, China Book
Publishing House, March 1994
1,000 Questions on Christianity
Written by Yue Feng, Wen Yong, et. al., Hongqi (Red Flag) Press,
January 1995
Sin and Redemption - On the Spirit of Christian Culture (Xi Jiang Yue
Book Series)
Written by Yang Huilin, Dongfang (Orient) Press, August 1995
Quotations from the Bible
Written by St. Thomas Aquinas, edited and translated by Zhou Liping and
Xue Hanxi, Baihua (Hundred Flowers) Literature Press, 1995
Foreign Missionaries and Chinese Imperial Court
Edited and translated by Zhu Jing, Shanghai People's Publishing
House, June 1995
The Reformation (1517-1564)
Written by Richard Stauffer [French], translated by Gao Yu, Commercial
Press, December 1995
The Oxford Illustrated History of Christianity
Edited by John McManners, Guizhou People's Publishing House, 1995
Biographies and Bibliographies of Jesuit Missionaries in China (A
Series of Translated Famous Works on Relations between China and Other
Translated by Feng Chengjun from French, China Book Publishing House,
A Supplementary List of Biographies and Bibliographies of Jesuits in
Written by Joseph Deherbnes, S.J., translated by Geng Sheng, China Book
Publishing House, 1995
Brief Biographies of Jesuits in China
Written by Wei Kuangguo, Dongfang (Orient) Press, 1995
Canadian Missionaries in China
by Song Jiayan, chief ed., Dongfang (Orient) Press, 1995
Life of Matteo Ricci, the Priest
Written by R. P. Henri Bernard [French], translated by Guan Zhenhu,
Commercial Press, 1995
Life of Johann Adam Schall von Bell
Written by Li Lanqin, Dongfang (Orient) Press, September 1995
Religions of the World: A Late-Day Saint View
Edited by Spender J. Palmer, translated by Xiang Hongjia and Xu
Xiaodong, Central Nationalities Institute Press, May 1995
A Collection of Papers Presented to the 94' International Symposium
on Western Culture and Christianity Sponsored by the International
Department of Yanjing Institute
by Wang Simin, chief ed., Beijing University Press, 1995
A Brief History of the Catholic Church (reprint)
Translated by Mei Chengqi from French, Catholic Church Shanghai Guangqi
Society, December 1995
Christianity and Modern Culture
Edited by Zhu Weizheng, Shanghai People's Publishing House, 1995
Meandering below the Cross
Written by Ma Jia, Xuelin Publishing House, 1995
Christian Culture Review (4)
Edited by Liu Xiaofeng, Guizhou People's Publishing House, 1995
100 Questions on Christian Culture
Written by Zhuo Xinping, China Today Press, 1995
Evidence That Demands a Verdict
Written by Hosh McDowell, translated by Han Wei, et. al., Religious
Culture Press, April 1996
On Mysterious God (A Library of Academic Studies on Christianity of
Various Ages, with Liu Xiaofeng as chief editor)
Translated by Li Qiuling from German, Sanlian Bookstore, 1996
Christian Culture and Modernization
Edited by Gao Shining and He Guanghu, China Social Science Press, 1996
The Catholic Church in Modern Times (Series on Religious Culture of
Modern World, with Feng Jiafang as chief editor)
by Fu Le'an, chief ed., Dongfang (Orient) Press, 1996
On Skeptics - Fragments of Philosophy (A Library of Academic Studies on
Christianity of Various Ages, with Liu Xiaofeng as chief editor)
Written by S. A. Kierkegaard [Den], translated by weng Shaojun and Lu
Xinghua Sanlian Bookstore
The Two Natures in Christ
Written by Martin Chemnitz [German], translated by Duan Qi and checked
by Xu Bingjian, Yilin Press, 1996
Mozart: Traces of Transcendence (A Library of Academic Studies on
Christianity of Various Ages, with Liu Xiaofeng as chief editor)
Written by Hans Küng, et. al., translated by Zhu Yanbing, Sanlian
Bookstore, 1996
Annotated Classics of Nestorianism in Chinese (A Library of Academic
Studies on Christianity of Various Ages, with Liu Xiaofeng as chief
Checked and annotated by Weng Shaojun, Sanlian Bookstore, 1966
Streams in the Desert (A New Edition)
Written by Lettie B. Cowman [American], Writers Publishing House, 1996
A Study on Churches in Medieval Britain
Written by Liu Cheng, Capital Teachers University Press, 1996
Matteo Ricci and China
Written by Lin Jinshui, China Social Science Press, 1996
Christianity and modern Chinese Society
Written by Gu Weimin, Shanghai People's Publishina House. 1996
Church Cases at the End of the Qing Dynasty (Book 1) (Supplement to
Series of Materials on Chinese Contemporary History)
Jointly edited by China No.1 Archives and History Department of Fujian
Teachers University, with Zhu Jinfu as chief editor, China Book
Publishing House, 1996
Education in Christianity and Social Changes in China
Written by Huang Xinxian, Fujian Education Press, 1996
Illustrated Stories selected from the Bible
Edited by Zhang Fusheng, China Wenlian (Federation of Literary and Art
Workers) Publishing Company, 1996
Bible Stories
Edited by Jiang Chuandong, et. al., Jinlin Wenshi (Literature and
History) Publishing House, 1996
An English-Chinese and Chinese-English Handbook of Words and Phrases of
Edited by Wang Yuhua, Religious Culture Press, January 1997
Walking out of High Walls - Understanding the Bible
Edited by He Zexiu, Religious Culture Press, November 1997
Solid Foundation
Written by Mai Qihong and on Ou FengXian, Religious Culture Press, July
The Essence of Christianity (Library of Chinese Translations of Famous
Philosophical Works of the World)
Written by Ludwig A. Feuerbach [German], Commercial Press, 1997
The Crucified God - The Cross of Christ as the Foundation and Criticism
of Christian Theology (Library of Academic Studies on Christianity)
Written by Jürgen Moltmann, translated by Ruan Wei, et. al., Shanghai
Sanlian Bookstore, 1997
The Duino Elegies and Modern Christian Thought (Library of Academic
Studies on Christianity)
Written by Rainer Maria Rilke, et. al. [French], translated by Lin Ke,
Shanghai Sanlian Bookstore, 1997
Religious Culture (2)
by Chen Cunfu, chief ed., Dongfamg (Orient) Press, 1997
Christian Culture Review (6)
by Liu Xiaofeng and He Guanghu, chief eds., Guizhou People's
Publishing House, 1997
Christian Culture Review (7)
by Liu Xiaofeng and He Guanghu, chief eds., Guizhou People's
Publishing House, 1997
Religious Culture of the West
Written by Zhao Lin, Changjiang Literature Press, 1997
God-Talk: An Explanation of the Language and Logic of Theology
("Religion and World"Series)
Written by John Macquarrie [British], translated by An Qingguo, Sichuan
People's Publishing House, 1997
Self-Cognition: An Ideological Autobiography (Library of Academic
Studies on Christianity)
Translated by Lei Yongsheng from Russian, Shanghai Sanlian Bookstore,
Jesus Christ and self-Exoneration
Written by Wang Yipei, Writers Publishing House, 1997
Sacred Mission: Rereading Jacques Maritain (A Series on Rereading the
Great Thinkers)
Written by Chen Linshu and Tian Haihua, Sichuan People's Publishing
House, 1997
Christianity in China (A Series on Knowledge of the Cultural History of
Written by Zhou Xiefan, Commercial Press, 1997
American Missionaries and China's Modernization in Late Qing (Study
on Social, Cultural and Educational Activities by Protestant
Missionaries in Contemporary Times)
Written by Wang Lixin, Tianjin People's Publishing House, 1997
Bible Stories
Edited by Liu Xiaojiang, Foreign Literature Press, 1997
A Selection of Oft-Quoted Piece from the Old Testament
Edited by Li Juan and Wei Yuqi, Tianjin People's Publishing House,
God (New-Century Comprehensive Library: Foreign Culture Series)
Written by H. Ott, translated by Zhu Yanbing and Feng Yalin, Liaoning
Education Press, 1997
Miracles Wisdom and Admonitions: Words and Deeds of Jesus (Sanlian
Library: Random Notes on World Classics)
Translated and edited by Ma Xiaojun and Luo Pinglin, Shanghai Sanlian
Bookstore, 1997(second edition)
Written by John Dominic Crossan (American), translated by Gao Shining
and Duan Qi, China Social Science Press, 1997
The Life of Jesus (Wild Camel Series)
Written by Ernest [French], translated by Zhu Xuwen, Jiangsu People's
Publishing House, 1997
The Fruit of Love: The Life of Virgu Mary
Written by Xiao Xiao, China Social Science Press, 1997
A Dictionary of Bible Literature
Edited by Shi Peitian and Zhou Ping, Sichuan People's Publishing
House, 1997
Economy, Society and Religion-A Selection of Writings by Max Webber
Translated and edited by Zheng Erping, Shanghai Social Science Academy
Press, 1997
Study of Reformation in England
Written by Cai Qi, Hunan Teachers University Press, 1997
Bible Stories
Edited by Liao Shizhong and Zhang Zhimei, Religious Culture Press,
October 1998
The Rolling Yangtze River Ever Flows to the East
Written by Zhao Bicheng, Religious Culture Press, September 1998
Catholic Theology in the West Now
Written by Zhuo Xinping, Shanghai Sanlian Bookstore, 1998
Protestant Theology in the West Now
Written by Zhuo Xinping, Shanghai Sanlian Bookstore, 1998
Collected Works by Ding Guangxun
by Ding Guangxun, Yilin Press, 1998
A Study on Doctrines of Religion (Chinese Academic Library of Christian
Thought in History)
Translated by He Yajiang, et. al. from Swiss Sanlian Bookstore, 1998
Religious Culture (3)
by Chen Fucun, chief ed., Dongfang (Orient) Press, 1998
MysteriouS Theology (Chinese Academic Library of Christian Thought in
Written by Pseudo-Dionysius, translated by Bao Limin, Sanlian
Bookstore, 1998
Plurality and Ambiguity: Hermeneutics, Religion, Hope
Written by David Tracy, translated by Feng Sichuan, Shanghai Sanlian
Bookstore, 1998
Streams in the Desert (A Complete Translation)
Written by Lettie B. Cowman, translated and edited by Hu Xiaojun,
Tuanjie (Unit) Press, 1998
Facing Life with Christ
Translated by Jiang Qing from English, Sanlian Bookstore, 1998
Greek Philosophy at Late Stage and Christian Theology - A Confluence
of Culture of the East and West
Written by Fan Mingsheng, Shanghai People's Publishing House, 1998
A Dictionary of Quotations from the Bible (English-Chinese)
by Xie Jinliang and Lu Guanquan, chief eds., Fudan University Press,
A Dictionary of Bible Literature
Edited by Li Chuanlong, Beijing University Press, 1998
A Selection of Oft-Quoted Sayings from the New Testament
Translated and edited by Wei Yuqi, et. al., Tianjin People's
Publishing House, 1998
Kissing Theology: Selected Love Letters from Medieval Abbeys (Chinese
Academic Library of Christian Though in History)
Translated and edited by Li Chengyan, Sanlian Bookstore, 1998
A Mission of Love - Biographies of Disciples of Jesus
Edited by Xiao Xiao, Social Science Document Press, 1998
An Outlined History of Christianity in China
Social Science Document Press, 1998
The History of Christianity in China
Translated by Geng Sheng from French, China Social Science Press, 1998
A Brief Account of Development of Christianity in Beijing
Written by Liu Minghan, Capital Teachers University Press, 1998
Church cases at the End of the Qing Dynasty (Book2) (Supplement to
Library of Materials on Chinese Contemporary History)
Jointly edited by China No.1 Archives and History Department of Fujian
Teachers University, with Zhu Jinfu as chief editor, China Book
Publishing House, 1998
Church cases at the End of the Qing Dynasty (Book3) (Supplement to
Library of Materials on Chinese Contemporary History)
Jointly edited by China No.1 Archives and History Department of Fujian
Teachers University, with Zhu Jinfu as chief editor, China Book
Publishing House, 1998
Historical Changes of the Abbeys
Written by Wang Yaping, Dongfang (Orient) Press, 1998
Historical Christianity and Judaism in China
Written by Zhuo Xinping, Shanghai People's Publishing House, 1998
A Year in Britain - Notes on Christian Culture in Britain
Written by Zhang Shihong, Religious Culture Press, February 1999
Essential Knowledge of Catholicism in China (Series on Knowledge of
by Ren Yanli, chief ed., Religious Culture Press, January 1999
Essential Knowledge of Christianity in China (Series on Knowledge of
by Zhuo Xinping, chief ed., Religious Culture Press, January 1999
Dialogue between Christianity and Confucianism (1)
Written by He Shiming, Religious Culture Press, October 1999
A four-Lecture Course on Christianity and Confucianism (2)
Written by he Shiming, Religious Culture Press, October 1999
Theism and Atheism in Chinese Culture (3)
Written by He Shiming, Religious Culture Press, October 1999
Viewing Chinese Filial Piety from the Perspective of Christianity (4)
Written by He Shiming, Religious Culture Press, October 1999
Fusion of Theological and Confucian Thinking (5)
Written by He Shiming, Religious Culture Press, October 1999
Missionaries and Science in China
Written by Cao Zengyou, Religious Culture Press, August 1999
Jesus Christ in the Thinking of Russia (A Selected series on new-spirit
philosophy in 20th Century Russia)
Translated by Yang Deyou from Russian, Xuelin press, 1999
Biographies of Figures in the Bible (2 volumes)
By Huo Quan, chief ed., China Wenlian (Federation of Literary and Art
Workers) Publishing Company, 1999
The "Tao" of Heavenly Kingdom: Christianity (Series on History of
World Religions)
Written by Zhang Wenjian, World Knowledge Press, 1999
The Story of Bible
Written by H. W. van Loon [American], translated by Lei Juxia and Bo
Wen, Beijing Publishing House, 1999
The Story of Bible
Written by H. w. van Loon [American], translated by Li Shen, et. al.,
Social Science Document Press, 1999
Witty Quotations from the Bible (A Series for General Readers)
Edited by Mu tong, Popular Literature press, 1999
The Inspiration of Love: The Light of the Bible
Edited by Xiao Xiao, Social Science Document Press, 1999
24 Qualities of the Mind: What the Jesus Says
Edited by Li Haoping, Religious Culture Press, 1999
Christian Culture Journal (Issue No.1, 1999)
Edited by Editorial Committee of "Christian Culture Journal",
Dongfang (Orient) Press, 1999
The Nature of God and the Nature of Man: Evolution of View on God at
Early Stage
Written by Weng Shaojun, Shanghai People's Publishing House, 1999
Exploring the Indigenization: A Collection of Academic Papers on
China's Christian Culture in the 20th Century (20th-Century Chinese
Culture: A Series of Important Essays)
Edited by Zhuo Xinping and Zhang Xiping, China Radio and Television
Press, 1999
The History of Orthodox Church
Written by Yue Feng, China Social Science Press 1999
Modern Christian Thought: From the Enlightenment to the Vatican Ⅱ
(Religion and World Series)
Written by James C. Livingston, translated by He Guanghu, Sichuan
People's Publishing House, 1999
Preaching Christ in Late Ming China (Religion and World Series)
Written by Gianni Griveller [French], translated by Wang Zhicheng, et.
al., Sichuan People's Publishing House, 1999
Solid Foundation: Gods Creates the World and the Coming of Jesus (2
Written by Trevor McIlwain [American], Religious Culture Press, 1999
The Life of Jesus
Written by Earnest Renan [French], translated by Liang Gong, Commercial
Press, 1999
The Life of Calvin Wilson Mateer and John Leighton Stuart-A Research on
the Educational Activities of the Western Missionaries in China
Written by Shi Jinghuan, Zhuhai Press, 1999
Faith, Interests and Power: The Choice of Christian Missionary Work in
Japan (Northeast Teachers University Series)
Written by Li Xiaobai, Northeast Teachers University Press, 1999
Out of the Garden of Eden: Humanist Studies of the Bible
Written by Zhou Ping, Sichuan People's Publishing House, 1999
The Most Beautiful Stories of God
Written by Jean Bottero [French], translated by Wan Zuqiu, Chinese
Literature Press, 1999
A Handbook of Christianity
Edited by K. Taylor [American], translated by Li Yunlu, et. al., China
Social Science Press, 1999
Talks on the End of Time
Written by Jean-Claude Carriere [French], translated by Yan Hansheng,
Chinese Literature Press, 1999
Christian Culture Journal (Issue No. 2, 1999)
Edited by Institute of Christian Culture of the People's University
of China, with Yang Huilin and Yu Daxin as chief editors, People's
Daily Press, 1999
An Album of Christian Art
Edited and drawn by Ba Bo, Religious Culture Press, 1999
Christianity Study (No.1)
by Zhuo Xinping and Edwin Hui, chief eds., Social Science Document
Press, 1999
A Concise History of Christianity in China
Written by Yao Minquan and Luo Weihong, Religious Culture Press,
November 2000
24 Qualities of the Mind: What the Jesus Says (Chinese-English)
Edited by Li Haoping, Religious Culture Press, November 2000
Reference Materials for Work and Study in Catholicism (Book 1)
by editorial group of the book, Religious Culture Press, September 2000

Reference Materials for Work and Study in Catholicism (Book 2)
by editorial group of the book, Religious Culture Press, November 2000
Taking History as a Mirror
by Li Pingye and Chen Hongxing, chief eds., Religious Culture Press,
August 2000
A Selection of Christian Songs
Edited by the Gangwashi Chapel of the Beijing Christian Church,
Religious Culture Press, July 2000
A Reader of Christian Knowledge
Written by Zhuo Xinping, Religious Culture Press, August 2000
A Reader of Catholic Knowledge
Written by Ren Yanli, Religious Culture Press, December 2000
Bible Stories (with Illustrations)
Text by Zhang Fusheng, Anhui Literature Press, 2000
Matteo Ricci, A Confucian Scholar of the west
Written by Lin Jinshui and Zou Ping, International Culture Publishing
Co., 2000
Toward Sacredness: The Life of Jesus
Written by Sun Shanling, China Social Science Press, 2000
Collected Works on Christianity and Chinese Culture (No.3)
by Zhang Kaiyuan and Ma Min, chief eds., Hubei Education Press, 2000
Jesus, the Life of Messiah
by Chen Zhiping and Huo Quan, chief eds., China Wenlian (Federation of
Literary and Art Workers ) Press, 2000
Between Religion and Folk Habits: A Study of Activities of Protestant
Missionaries along the Southern China Coast
Written by Wu Yixiong, Guangdong Education Press, 2000
A Gift for God: Words to Love
Written by Mother Teresa, translated by Wang Liping, Sichuan People's
Publishing House, 2000
A Fine Selection of Tales from the Bible (Chinese and Foreign
Children's Stories, Book 2)
Edited by Chen Jing, China Children Publishing House, 2000
Ferdinand Verbiest, Man of Diligence and Wisdom
Written by Wang Bing, Science Press, 2000
Christianity in Modern Republic of Korea
Written by Wang Chunlai, China Social Science Press, 2000
Christianity and Ethnic Minorities in Yunnan (Series of Study of
Religious Culture in Yunnan)
Written by Han Junxue, Yunnan People's Publishing House, 2000
The Christian Church: A History of the System
Written by Luo Henglin, Hunan Teachers University Press, 2000
Study of Christianity (An Encyclopedic Series on Modern Science in
Written by Duan Qi, et. al., Modern World Press, 2000
Christian Culture Journal (Issue No.3)
Edited by Institute of Christian Culture of the People's University
of China, People's Daily Press, 2000
Ming Yishi and His Collection
Written by Fang Hui, Shandong University Press, 2000
Old Wes...



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