

Deadline: January 14, 2022


Luce Post-Doctoral Research Fellowships are open to post-doctoral level applicants, including junior faculty members (i.e. those within five years of having received the PhD). We invite research proposals primarily focused on the archival collections at the Ricci Institute and serving the preparation of research publications. Topics of inquiry may include Chinese-Western cultural history, history of Christianity in China, comparative studies of Christianity and cultures in China, Japan, and Korea, etc.


The BC Ricci Institute for Chinese-Western Cultural History is a premier global resource for the study of Chinese-Western cultural exchange with a core focus on the social and cultural history of Christianity in China. Besides its 100,000 volumes of books in Chinese and Western languages, its library also includes (1) a digital copy of the Japonica-Sinica Manuscript Collection from the Roman Archives of the Society of Jesus (ARSI); (2) the Francis A. Rouleau Microfilm / Digital Archival Collections’ (3) the Canton Diocese Archival Collection; (4) a digital copy of the Passionist China Collection; (5) the Anthony E. Clark Collection; (6) Pre-Modern Japanese & Korean Christian Materials; and (7) other archival materials and artistic artifacts.

In early 2022, the entire Ricci Institute library and archival collections will be relocated from the University of San Francisco, California, to Boston College, Massachusetts. Both the Institute and its collections will be housed within a newly renovated library and research facilities at 2125 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA on the Brighton campus of BC.

The Ricci Institute invites applications for Luce Post-doctoral Research Fellowships for the summer of 2022 as part of an on-going project supported by the Henry Luce Foundation in New York.

This fellowship is open to post-doctoral level applicants, including Junior Faculty members and researchers (i.e. normally within five years of having received the PhD degree). We invite research proposals primarily based on the archival collections at the Ricci Institute in preparation for research publications.

Topics of enquiry may include Chinese-Western cultural history, local society and politics, history of education and other charitable enterprises, history of Christianity in China, history of diplomacy, art and art history, science and history of science, comparative studies of Christianity and cultures in China, and the “Sino-sphere”, namely, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam. Recipients are also expected to present their work and actively participate in all regularly organized activities and research seminars at the Ricci Institute.

The entire fellowship program will be three months long. Barring any unforeseeable circumstances due to the pandemic, both nationally and internationally, the Ricci Institute is planning to conduct this year’s fellowship program in person at Boston College, which will require fellowship recipients in residence and physically present at the Ricci Institute to conduct their research and interact with other scholars on site during the entire fellowship period.

Participation in all activities is mandatory throughout the program, and exceptions will require approval well in advance. The stipend is up to $4,500/month. Candidates are highly encouraged to apply for any necessary supplemental funding for their travel and stay from their home institutions.

Applicants who are not U.S. Citizens or Legal Permanent Residents will need to contact the Ricci Institute well in advance for information regarding the following: (1) proof of English proficiency for non-native speakers, (2) visa application procedures, (3) health insurance requirements, and (4) other necessary documentation, depending on the country of provenance of the applicant. Because of possible ongoing travel restrictions and other additional documentation that might be required to travel to the U.S. (i.e. record of full vaccination [in English] and pre-flight proof of a negative COVID test), recipients who are not in the U.S. are asked to allow more time than would normally be necessary to prepare for their visa application and approval process (i.e. at least three months before travel).



第七屆「道風學術獎」得獎消息 李熾昌教授及張卜天教授 分別榮獲 「徐光啟獎」〈著作獎〉和「艾香德獎」〈翻譯獎〉   漢語基督教文化研究所自1995年成立至今,一直以推動漢語學術界基督宗教文化...


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
