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Award Ceremony and Prize Lecture of "The Seventh Tao Fong Literary Prize (2020): The Paul Hsu Prize"
李教授在頒獎典禮上發表獲獎感言,認為這次獲獎不僅是他個人的榮幸,更重要的是對漢語聖經研究的專業學科的鼓勵,通過尋求富有成效的方法來發展基督宗教和中國文化的整合。獲獎感言全文可參: https://www.iscs.org.hk/.../Reader/Channel/ShowPage.jsp...
李熾昌教授是英國愛丁堡大學哲學博士,曾任香港中文大學文化及宗教研究系教授以及文學院院長,現為山東大學人文社科一級教授。他以著作《跨文本閱讀──希伯來聖經詮釋》(上海:上海三聯書店,2015 年出版)獲得2020年度「第七屆道風學術獎:徐光啟獎」。
Award Ceremony and Prize Lecture of "The Seventh Tao Fong Literary Prize (2020): The Paul Hsu Prize"
On 19 November 2021, we are very honoured to have invited Prof. Archie C. C. LEE, winner of "The Seventh Tao Fong Literary Prize (2020): The Paul Hsu Prize", to come to ISCS at Tao Fong Shan to receive his prize medal from Director Daniel YEUNG and also to deliver his Prize Lecture of "The Seventh Tao Fong Literary Prize: The Paul Hsu Prize".
In his Acceptance Speech, Prof. LEE considered that the awarding of the Paul Hsu Prize is not only his personal honour, but more importantly, it is an encouragement for efforts in the relevant academic fields, which aim to develop effective means to cultivate research in Christianity and Chinese culture. The full text of his Acceptance Sppech is available at:
Prof. LEE delivered his Prize Lecture immediately after the award ceremony. The title of his lecture is "Ethnic Memory in Historical Poetry: A Cross-Textual Reading of Hebrew Psalms and Chinese Shijing". We are also very honoured to have invited Prof. YANG Huilin from Renmin University of China to be the respondent, and Prof. LI Qiuling also from Renmin University of China to be the moderator of the lecture. The online lecture, conducted in Mandarin, was attended by more than 50 scholars and more than 20 postgraduate students from most of the leading universities in Mainland China and Hong Kong.
Prof. LEE received his Ph.D. at the University of Edinburgh and was formerly Professor of the Hebrew Bible and also Dean of Arts at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is currently First Class Full Professor at Shandong University. He received the "The Seventh Tao Fong Literary Prize (2020): The Paul Hsu Prize" for his work, Cross-Textual Reading of the Hebrew Bible (Shanghai: Shanghai Joint Publishing, 2015).

  • 奖励信息
神學研究獎助計畫 职位与奖项申请


財團法人周聯華牧師紀念基金會為鼓勵學人對基督教學術與文化之相關主題進行深入而有系統之研究,特設立 神學研究獎助計畫之獎勵。謹將相關獎勵細節提供於后,煩請將此訊息轉知貴校師生為禱! 獎助主題:以基督教本...


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
