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比较经学 Journal of Comparative Scripture

二〇一三年 第二辑 2013 Number 2

目录 Contents


Theme: Hermeneutics and Chinese – Western Reciprocal Interpretation


专题引介:迈向一种互惠的跨宗教诠释学 3

Introduction to the Theme:Towards a Reciprocal Interreligious Hermeneutics

游斌 YOU Bin


当代宗教对话理论:宗教符号的解释 9

A Contemporary Theory of Interreligious Dialogue: An Interpretation of Religious Symbols

區建铭 AU Kin Ming


论否定神学对宗教对话的意义 29

The Implication of the Theory of Negation for Religious Dialogue

袁蕙文 YUEN Wai Man


从西方灵修学的角度阅读儒家经典:耶稣会翻译的《中庸》 61

Reading the Confucian Classics from the Perspective of Western Spirituality: The Jesuit Translation of the Zhongyong

梅谦立 Thierry Meynard


跨文化语境下的中国经典诠释及其意义:以利安当《天儒印》为例 91

A Christian Interpretation of the Chinese Classics in Cross-cultural Context: A Case Study of Antonio Caballero’s Tian Ru Yin

吴莉苇 WU Liwei


The Half-full and Half-empty Glass of Water, or the Theme of Joy in Existentialism and Classical Daoism 123


Agn. Budriūnait. 阿格纳.布丢娜特


Incompatibility between Chinese Folk Religion and John Hick’s Criteriology 153


Wai Yip WONG 黄伟业


书 评


杨慧林:《在文学与神学的边界》 195

YANG Huilin. At the Boundary of Literature and Theology

常宏 CHANG Hong


凯瑟琳.柯妮、克里斯托弗.康威主编:《跨宗教诠释学》 201

Cornille, Catherine & Christopher Conway eds. Interreligious Hermeneutics

高喆 GAO Zhe


威廉.哈罗主编:《圣经的文化处境》 209

Hallo, William W. & K. Lawson Younger eds. The Context of Scripture: Canonical Compositions, Monumental Inscriptions and Archival Documents from the Biblical World

郭白歌 GUO Baige


Academic News

The Absence of the Holy Book in Buddhism and the Common Buddhist Text Project 219


Joanna Grela 乔安娜.格雷拉





宗旨与稿约 Notes for Contributors 243



引文、注释格式及范例 Footnote Format 249



《西学东渐研究》(2023) 刊物撷英


《西学东渐研究》第12辑,北京:商务印书馆,2023年。   目录   《康熙年间两广总督石琳与法国船“安菲特利特”号的广州之行》 梅谦立 1-33 《法国商船“安菲特利特”号航行...


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