David E. Mungello, The Catholic Invasion of China: Remaking Chinese Christianity (2015)

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David E. Mungello, The Catholic Invasion of China: Remaking Chinese Christianity (2015)

作者:David E. Mungello,

书名:《天主教侵入中国:重构中国基督教》(The Catholic Invasion of China: Remaking Chinese Christianity


Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 2015 (July)

208 p., ISBN 978-1-4422-5048-2, $40


A sequel to The great encounter of China and the West, 1500–1800 (four editions: 1999, 2005, 2009, 2012). Publisher’s description (https://rowman.com/ISBN/9781442250482): The culmination of D. E. Mungello’s forty years of study on Sino-Western history, this book provides a compelling and nuanced history of Roman Catholicism in modern China. As the author vividly shows, when Chinadeclined into a two-century cycle of poverty, powerlessness, and humiliation, the attitudes of Catholic missionaries became less accommodating than their famous Jesuit predecessors. He argues that “invasion” accurately characterizes the dominant attitude of Catholic missionaries (especially the French Jesuits) in their attempt to introduce Western religion and culture intoChina during the nineteenth and early twentieth century. Elements of this attitude lingered until the end of the last century, when many Chinese felt that Pope John Paul II’s canonization of 120 martyrs reflected the imposition of an imperialist mentality. In this important work, Mungello corrects a major misreading of modern Chinese history by arguing that the growth of an indigenous Catholic church in the twentieth century transformed the negative aspects of the “invasion” into a positive Chinese religious force.

The culmination of Mungello’s forty years of study on Sino-Western history, this book provides a compelling and nuanced history of Catholicism in modern China. In this important work, Mungello corrects a major misreading of Chinese history by arguing that the growth of an indigenous church in the twentieth century transformed the negative aspects of the “invasion” into a positive Chinese religious force.

《国际汉学译丛》第1辑(2023) 新书出版


目 录 中国哲学研究 米洛什·茨尔年斯基与中国哲学 [ 塞尔维亚] 伊利亚·马里奇 著 洪羽青 译 康德谟著:老子与道家 [ 法] 康德漠 著 胡 迅 译 中西文化交流史研究 闵明我评注龙华民《关于上...


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