代国庆. 吕宋唐字书中的"神魂"论①——亚里士多德灵魂学说最早的汉语概说. 北京行政学院学报, 2021(3): 122-128. DAI Guoqing. Theory of "Spiritual ...
1 中国古代典籍的相关史料 对于极为丰富和波澜壮阔的中外文化交流的历史画卷,很早就引起人们的极大兴趣。对于中外文化交流史的研究,历代先贤已经积累了相当丰富的史料和研究成果。 中国自古以来就十分重视中外...
The Catholic Yijing: Lü Liben’s Passion Narratives in the Context of the Qing Prohibition of Christianity
The Catholic Yijing: Lü Liben’s Passion Narratives in the Context of the Qing Prohibition of Christi...
Cursus Conimbricensis
Author: Mário Santiago de Carvalho Part of: The ‘Cursus Conimbricensis’ (coord. by Mário Santiago de...
Tractatio ad quinque sensus: Xingxue cushu (juan 4)
Author: Thierry Meynard Part of: Coimbra Textes Adapted into Chinese (coord. by Elisabetta Corsi and...
Franciscans, baptisms and rescues of abandoned children in eighteenth century China: a point of charity?
Marina Torres Trimállez 2018, CAURIENSIA, Revista Anual de Estudios Eclesiásticos ISSN: 1886-4945 79...
“The Jesuits and Chinese science”
By Chicheng Ma 馬馳騁 (https://www.fbe.hku.hk/people/academic/chicheng-ma) Working paper: Hong K...
Jesuit Visual Culture and the Song nianzhu guicheng
Jesuit Visual Culture and the Song nianzhu guicheng. The Annunciation as a Spiritual Meditation on t...
作者李灵,神学博士,洛杉矶基督教与中国研究中心总干事,《中国基督教研究》主编。 本文原载《中国基督教研究》2019年总第13期。 读了曾庆豹教授由四篇文章汇编而成的《红星与十字架》一书,...