Patrick, Susangeline. Art as a Pathway to God: A Historical-Theological Study of Jesuit Mission in China, 1552–1773.

ChineseCS 新书出版评论58字数 619阅读2分3秒阅读模式

Leiden: Brill, 2023.

This book integrates history, theology, and art and analyzes the Jesuits’ cross-cultural mission in late imperial China. Readers will find a rich collection of resources from historical sites, museums, manuscripts, and archival materials, including previous unpublished works of art. The production and circulation of art from different historical periods and categories show the artistic, theological, and missional values of Christian art. It highlights European Jesuits, Asian Christians, transnationalism, and gives voice to Chinese Christian women and their patronage of art in the seventeenth century. It offers a rare systematic study of the relation between art and mission history.

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《祝石集(附朱大典集)》(2024) 新书出版


按:冯文昌、祝石、吴历等均为清初天主教徒、遗民;朱大典与传教士、天主教徒往来密切,曾与金声等一起被徐光启推荐主持修历,后殉国而死。   点校者:金晓刚 出版社:浙江大学出版社 出版时间:20...


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