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Society of Asian Biblical Studies

SABS 2024

Theme: Biblical Hermeneutics in Indigenous Perspectives

Call for papers

SABS 2024 affirms that Indigenous matters in biblical studies and invites reflections on, and engagements around, two critical questions: What does the Bible have to do with Indigenous matters, in Asia and beyond? What could the Indigenous—peoples, cultures, civilizations, wisdoms, arts, concerns, struggles, prides, and other matters—in Asia and beyond, contribute to biblical studies? Proposals/papers that reflect on one or both of those questions are invited. Proposals/papers in other areas of biblical studies are also welcomed, with special attention to Asia and the Asian diaspora.


(1) Indigenous matters. Papers in one of the following sub-themes are welcomed.

(a) Indigenous subjects in biblical texts

Papers that reflect on the indigenous subjects (peoples, concerns, agendas, etc.) in biblical texts—both the obvious ones and the hidden, disguised, or erased ones—are invited. How are indigenous subjects (mis/re)presented, (mis)treated, and related to in biblical texts? In whose interests? Do their class, gender, and race matter?

(b) Indigenous reading of biblical texts

Papers that offer an indigenous reading of a biblical text(s) are invited. What does an indigenous reading look like? What are the questions asked in, and the characteristics of, so-called indigenous reading? How does indigenous reading work with a biblical text(s)?

(c) Indigenous criticisms and biblical studies

Papers that introduce and engage with indigenous studies outside of religious, theological, and biblical studies are invited. What are benefits or burdens of locating those innovations in the shadows of postcolonial or decolonial studies? How might biblical studies benefit from engaging those innovations? What might engaging those innovations look like, in application to biblical texts?

(d) Indigenous sacred texts and civilizations

Papers that present indigenous sacred texts and civilizations from Asia, and beyond, are invited. Have those indigenous texts and civilizations been adopted by established religions, and what are the benefits and burdens? How might those indigenous sacred texts and civilizations intersect and/or unravel biblical texts and traditions?

(e) other Indigenous matters

Papers that reflect on other Indigenous matters (outside of the four above) are also invited.

(2) General call

You may also propose papers in any of the areas of biblical studies but with attention to the Asian and Asian diaspora contexts (see table below).

Hebrew Bible/Old Testament

Textual Criticism


Translation Theories/Practices

Deuteronomistic History

Historical Criticism


Literary/Narrative/Rhetorical Criticism

Wisdom literature

Social Scientific Criticism

Apocalyptic Literature

Contextual/Vernacular Hermeneutics

New Testament

Liberation Hermeneutics


Feminist Criticism


Marxist Criticism

Pauline/Deutero Pauline Epistles

Postcolonial Criticism

General Epistles

Queer Criticism


Ecological Criticism

Intertestamental literature

Disability Studies and the Bible

Receptions of the Bible

Biblical Theologies

Pedagogical issues within biblical studies



To propose a presentation, fill in the requested information in the following table and send it in word/doc format to styofabs@gmail.com and to bliew@holycross.edu

Full names

Title of paper


(5–7 terms)

Biblical text(s)


(150–250 words)

Preferred stream / sub-theme

Biographical information



related projects & publications:

e-mail contact


Oct 31, 2023: Deadline for receiving proposal

Dec 01, 2023: Notification of decision on proposal

Jan 05, 2024: First draft of program

Jan 16, 2024: Registration opens

April 30, 2024: Registration closes

July 10–15: SABS conference at Yu-Shan Theological College and Seminary, Taiwan



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