
ChineseCS 会议通知评论642字数 404阅读1分20秒阅读模式

自基督宗教进入中国, 产生了许多值得关注和研究的神学思想与神学家。为反思和总结中国近现代及当代的神学,耶鲁大学神学院计划于2020 - 2022年举行三次以 “中国神学:主流、非主流和学术”为主题的系列学术会议。第二届会议主题为“中国非主流神学”,包括1949年以前的非主流教会以及1949年后的家庭教会,举办时间为2021年6月2-4日。 诚邀各位专家学者围绕中国的某一种神学思潮或某位神学家撰写论文。如果您的论文被接受,主办方将承担您的往返旅费(经济舱)及住宿费。如果受疫情影响无法正常旅行,我们会如期举行线上会议。与会者未发表的原创论文最后将结集出版。请有意参加的学者将论文题目和200字摘要(中文或英文)在2021年02月12日之前发送至chloe.starr@yale.edu


Chinese Theology: Call for Papers


A series of three conferences are being held 2020-2022 at Yale Divinity School (New Haven, Connecticut) on Chinese Theologies: mainstream, non-mainstream and academic. The second conference will be held June 2-4 2021, and scholars are invited to submit abstracts for papers discussing any aspect of theological thought/ individual theologians from a range of non-mainstream churches (i.e. independent Chinese churches or house churches of all denominations, pre- and post- 1949). Economy travel and accommodation will be paid for participants if it is possible to hold conference in person (at this stage, the expectation is for a virtual conference, online). Please send paper topics and 200 word abstract (in Chinese or English) by 12th Feb ‘21to chloe.starr@yale.edu. All conference participants are expected to offer new, original papers for inclusion in an edited volume.



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
