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Call for Papers

Chinese Christian Art and Literature

Dates: May 3-5, 2019 (arriving on the 2nd  and departing on the 6th)

Place: Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA


The Center on Religion and Chinese Society at Purdue University invites papers that examine the relationship between Christianity and art or literature in Chinese societies. We welcome scholarly research papers that analyze art or literary works by Christian artists or writers, art criticism or literary criticism from a Christian perspective, or biographical or empirical studies of Christian artists or writers. Both the term art and literature are broadly understood. Art includes all forms of the fine arts: painting, sculpture, architecture, and even performing arts. Literature includes all genres of creative writing: novels, poems, essays, nonfictions, and even playwrights. 

We also invite Chinese Christian artists and writers to present personal reflection papers about their faith and creative work.  Personal reflection papers should reflect on personal conversion, Christian beliefs, and the impact of faith on their artwork or writing. In addition to the paper, the Chinese Christian artist/writer should also submit three to five samples (digital copies) of their works. Concurrent with this conference will be an art exhibit of Chinese Christian artists.

Based on submitted abstracts, we will select 20 participants to make presentations. Hotel expenses for the presenters will be covered and arranged by us. A limited number of travel funds is available to subside transportation costs for those who apply.  

Deadline to submit abstracts: December 14, 2018. The abstract should be between 500 and 1,000 words. Please include a brief c.v., 3-5 samples (copies) of artworks or published writings (for artists), and a note about whether or not applying for a travel subsidy and if so, how much. We will notify the selected participants and travel funds by December 31, 2018.

Deadline to submit draft full paper: March 31, 2019. The paper should be no less than 5,000 words, with proper footnotes and referenced bibliography. We plan to publish a volume of the edited papers.

Please submit your abstract, c.v., note about travel subsidy, and full paper to Lily Szeto



主題:中国基督教與文學藝術 Chinese Christian Art and Literature


地點:普度大學(印第安納州西拉法葉市)Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana




文章提要截止日期:20181214。文章可以用英文或中文。英文提要在500-1000 Words之間,中文提要在五百和一千字之間,請附上個人簡歷,並說明是否申請旅費和申請金額。作家藝術家需要提交三至五件作品的副本。我們將在20181231日前通知獲選參會人員及其資助決定。

文章全文初稿截止日期:2019331。論文長度不少於五千字(5000 Words),按出版規範加腳註和引文文獻。我們計劃編輯出版文集。

提交文章提要、作者簡歷、資助申請、全文初稿,請將Word文檔和其他電郵到給項目經理:Lily Szeto,。作品副本可以是圖片或PDF文檔。



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
