CFP: Society of Asian Biblical Studies (SABS) Conference 2018

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Society of Asian Biblical Studies (SABS) Conference 2018
The upcoming SABS Conference will be held 16-20 July 2018 (with arrival on the 16th and departure on the 20th) at WISMA M. MAGDALENA POSTEL (Jalan Jayagiri 20, Malang 65146, EAST JAVA, INDONESIA).  The theme is Bible and Empire in Asia: Past and Present.
Registration costs (includes meals and accommodation in the conference meeting site during the conference dates): 
USD 100 for participants outside of Asia/Africa/Latin America
USD 50 for participants from Asia/Africa/Latin America except Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan
under resourced countries
USD 30 for students (with proof)
Note: Accommodation in retreat house (of Magdalena de Postel) is double-occupancy so you will have an assigned roommate, but each room does have a bathroom inside.
Membership (required to present papers): 
  • Life Time: USD 500/-
  • Long Term of 6 Years: USD 150 (for members from outside Asia/Africa/Latin America) or USD 75 (for members                  from Asia/Africa/Latin America except Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan)
  • For every Two Years: USD 50 or 25 (for members from Asia/Africa/Latin America except Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan)
  • Student Rate: USD 20 for every two years.
Hotel Accommodation:
For those who prefer to pay on your own to stay in a hotel, we will be using Hotel Savanna Malang, the cost will be around 50 US dollar per night.  This is a 40%  discount rate and booking must be done through our local organizing committee in Indonesia.  More information about this will be available soon.
Please visit the Society's website at  There you will find both the membership form and the call for paper; you can also submit both your membership form and your paper proposal through that site.



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