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Invitation letter to Nordic Forum of Sino-Western Studies 2017

Preliminary Invitation Letter

Helsinki 2.2.2017

Dear Colleagues,

Welcome to participate in Nordic Forum of Sino-Western Studies 2017 (国学与西学北欧论坛 2017) in Helsinki from July 26th to 29th in Helsinki. The topic of this year is “Martin Luther and China/Chinese World”.

The schedule is as follows:

July 26th Wednesday, Arriving in Helsinki, Finland, and registration, Boarding on Cruise Ship, dinner, forum begins.

July 27th Thursday, Arriving in Stockholm, Sweden, Forum continues in the town. Evening return to the Cruise Ship.

July 28th Friday morning, Arriving and living in Helsinki.

July 29th Saturday, Sight seeing in Helsinki and check out.

Conference fee is 600 euros for each scholar, which can be paid when you arrive. Hotels, Cruise Ships between Finland and Sweden, and dinners will be paid by the organizer of Forum.

Please register by sending us an English abstract (300 words) and a Chinese abstract (300 Chinese characters) by 15th March, and sending us the whole academic article by 30th May, 2017. The article (preferring in English, Chinese is also ok) should be written on the topic “Martin Luther and China/Chinese World”. (Format for article writing can be found in www.sinowesternstudies.com).

We will send you official invitation letters in the beginning of June after receiving your articles for visa application to Finland (Schengen Countries), which will also be valid for those scholars to Germany.

Warmly welcome.

Yours sincerely,

Paulos Huang

Chairperson, Nordic Forum of Sino-Western Studies

Vellikellontie 3 A 4, 00410 Helsinki, Finland

Tel 358 50 380 3445 email: Paulos.z.huang@gmail.com


(Those scholars who will participate in 13rd International Congress of Luther in Wittenberg, Germany from July 31st to August 4th, 2017, can pay their own costs in Helsinki and leave for Germany in 30th, 2017. Details about registration and accommodation can be found in “Invitation Letter to the 13th Intl Congress of Luther Chinese Session of Short Presentations KS”, in total, 8 scholars will be accepted to Wittenberg.)

Invitation Letter to the 13th International Congress of Luther Research

Dear Colleagues,

Welcome to participate in The Chinese Session of Short Presentations “Martin Luther and China/Chinese World”, of which Adjunct Prof. Dr. Paulos Huang from University of Helsinki is the leader, in the 13th International Congress of Luther Research in Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Germany, from July 30th to August 4th, 2017. The short presentations will take place on Wednesday, 2nd of August 2017 from 9 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Each presentation will last 20 minutes: 15 minutes for presentation, 5 minutes for discussion. The Chinese papers will be presented together. We therefore request you to upload an abstract (300 characters incl. space) outlining the topic of your paper. In total, we may receive 8 participants, in the case there are more applicants, the session leader Paulos Huang will review the applications.

Please register online at our online registration system, more information you can find here:


Every active participant has to register separately, please. During the registration process you will be asked to upload your abstract for your short presentation, please fill in “Short Presentation Session: Martin Luther and China/Chinese World (Leader Paulos Huang)” in the field “miscellaneous”.

In case of your accommodation we are providing information at our website too:


All participants are asked to book their accommodation of their own, using the booking code.

The program you can find here: 


In case of any other question, please don't hesitate to contact

Katrin Stöck or Petra Gröschl

Kongressbüro - Congress office 13. Internationaler Kongress für Lutherforschung / 13th International Congress for Luther Research Stiftung Luthergedenkstätten in Sachsen-Anhalt Collegienstraße 54 06886 Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Germany Tel.: +(49)3491-42 03 114

Fax: +(49)3491-42 03 270

Email: congress@2017.martinluther.de



2024.10.08更新:最终入选名单业已遴选完毕,敬请注意查收电邮。 2024.07.12更新:组委会进行了第一次遴选,通知业已发出;如果您没有收到通知,表明您的论文题目不符合本次会议主题,感谢您的...


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
