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自利玛窦(Matteo Ricci,1552-1610)入中国以来,西方传教士相次进入中国,他们观察、认识和理解中国,从而形成了西方人对中国社会的第一次全面接触与了解。与此同时,这些传教士用西文写作和翻译与与中国相关的方方面面,向欧洲社会介绍中国,从而使欧洲社会开始关注中国,了解中国,造成了18世纪欧洲的中国热。通过西学东渐与中学西传,中西文化在相遇中相互借鉴,开辟了人类文明史上不少的文明平等对话与学习的历史。










(6)为纪念汤若望(Johann Adam Schall von Bell, 1591-1666)逝世350周年,利类思(Ludovico Buglio, 1606-1682)诞辰410周年,殷铎泽(Prospero Intorcetta,1626-1696)逝世320周年,黄嘉略(Arcadio Huang, 1679-1716)逝世300周年,本研讨会亦欢迎有对此四位中西文化交流史上的重要人物的专文研究。








International Symposium

 Encounter and Communication

The East-West Cultural Exchange since Matteo Ricci

18-19 November, 2016, BEIJING, CHINA



Since the arrival of Matteo Ricci (1552-1610) in Zhaoqing, many missionaries followed his steps toChina, observing and getting to know this country. In the course of history, that was the first image ofChina born out of the East-West contact. These missionaries also introduced China and Chinese civilization into Europe, in forms of composition and translation, so that the Westerners began to pay more attention to China bringing about the Chinoiserie in the eighteenth-century Europe.


To better understand this period of history, the Editorial Board of the Journal of Beijing Administrative College will collaborate with the International Institute of Chinese Studies (Beijing Foreign Studies University), the “Fondazione Prospero Intorcetta” (Italy) and the Università degli studi di Macerata (Italy) in hosting the International Symposium “Encounter and Communication: The East-West Cultural Exchange since Michele Ruggieri and Matteo Ricci” in Beijing, China, on 18 -19 November, 2016 (Time of registration: 17 November, 2016);


Topics of the symposium include (but are not limited to):

    (1) Archives and text studies;

    (2) Case studies on figures and missionaries, including both Christians and non-Christians, in particular the common converts of the time;

    (3) Western Learning in East Asia (China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam);

    (4) Eastern Learning in Europe;

    (5) Missionary texts in Chinese and their circulation in East Asia;   

    (6) In commemoration of the 350th anniversary of the death of Johann Adam Schall von Bell (1591-1666), S.J., the 410th anniversary of the birth of Ludovico Buglio (1606-1682), S.J., the 320th anniversary of the death of Prospero Intorcetta (1626-1696) and the death of 300 anniversary ofArcadio Huang (1679-1716), the papers on these figures will be warmly welcome.













Encounter and Communication: The East-West Cultural Exchange since Matteo RicciInternational Symposium Committee:


 International Institute of Chinese Studies, Beijing Foreign Studies University



Editorial Board of the Journal of Beijing Administrative College, BEIJING;

Fondazione Prospero Intorcetta, Piazza Armerina, ITALY;

Università degli studi di Macerata, Macerata, ITALY;

International Institute of Chinese Studies, HONG KONG.



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