刘耘华:<谢文洊与西学>(2011),LIU Yunhua, “Xie Wenjian and Western Learning” (2011)

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文章对清初江右“程山之学”的创始人谢文洊与西方文化的关系进行了研究, 指出其所受西方文化的影响是经由教徒刘凝而达成的;论文根据新的材料时刘凝的生卒年代及入教时间进行考辫,并就二者的“ 上帝观”之异同提出了新的看法, 然后结合《日录》的材料,对《七克》与谢氏思想的内在相通之处做出了细致的比较论析。
LIU Yunhua, "Xie Wenjian and Western Learning", in Comparative Literature in China, 3 (2011): 121-128.
Tb is Paper is on the relationship between the W estern culture and Xie Wenjian, the founder of  "Cheng shan School " in Jiang xi Province in the early Qing Dynasty , and argues that it was the Christian Liu Ning who introduced the Western culture to Xie Wenjian .According to the new materials , firstly , this paper verifies the exact dates of Liu Ning's birth , death and his conversion; secondly, provides a new viewpoint of the similarities and differences of Xie Wenjian and Liu Ning's "Con ception of God"; finally, using the Journal, verifies comparatively the inherent affinities of Qike: Seven ways to Sages and Xie Wenjian's ideas in detail.
The attached please find this paper in Chinese.



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