刘明强:<万历韶州同知刘承范及其《利玛传》>,《韶关学院学报 》11(2010):1-8。

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刘明强:<万历韶州同知刘承范及其《利玛传》>,《韶关学院学报 》11(2010):1-8。
Liu Cheng-fan of Wan Li Period and His Biography of Mɑtteo Ricci
LIU Ming-qiang
Abstract: Liu Cheng-fan, a government official in late Ming Dynasty (Wan Li Period), met Matteo Ricci in 1589 when he was the prefect in Shaozhou and developed deep friendship with Matteo Ricci. Biography of Mɑtteo Ricci written by Liu Cheng-fan recorded an important history of intercultural communication between the West and China. Matteo Ricci possessed the thoughts and culture of Confucianism, what was more, he was rich in modern scientific knowledge and was involved in the communication of the western missionaries of Catholicism, ranging from politics, economy, military affairs, culture and religion of the society in late Ming Dynasty. It reflected the recognition and understanding of the two cultures.
Key words: Ming Dynasty; Liu Cheng-fan; prefect; Mɑtteo Ricci; intercultural communication




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