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黄保罗(Paulos Huang)2009:
<<儒家、基督宗教与救赎----附十八篇汉语学术神学对话与述评>> (Confucianism,Christianity and Salvation ---- And 18 Sino-Christian Academic Theological Dialogues),北京,宗教文化出版社 (Beijing: Zongjiao wenhua chubanshe),pp521页。


一是根据赫尔辛基大学在芬兰2006年和 Brill 2009 年在荷兰和美国出版的Confronting the Confucian Understandings with the Christian Doctrine of Salvation ---- A systematic theological analysis of the basic problems in the Confucian-Christian dialogue 的翻译,

评述(Reviews):芬兰、美国、加拿大、香港、台湾和中国大陆近二十名学者对拙著撰写评述,以英文、芬兰文和汉语发表(Reviewedand refereed by nearly 20 scholars in Finnish, English and Chinese in Finland, USA, Canada, Taiwan, Hong Kong and mainland China):

1) 黄保罗 2006: “Vanhurskauttaminen ja pyhittäminen konfutslais-kristillisessa dialogissa” (The Justification and Sanctification in the Dialogue between Christianity and Confucianism: Reviewing my life with a anamnestic visual angle, 儒基对话中的称义与成圣),  LECTIO PRARCURSORIA. Presented in  2006, Auditorium XII University of  Helsinki,  pp.1-8 and published in Perusta 2006.(芬兰语写作发表于芬兰核心刊物)

2)“新视野中的对话神学----论黄保罗关于儒基对话的贡献” ,中国社会科学院世界宗教研究所所长 卓新平教授 (A Dialogical Theology in the New Perspective ---- Comments on Paulos Huang’s Contribution on Confucian-Christian Dialogue, by Dr. Prof. Dr. Zhuo Xinping, Director, Institute of World Religions, China Academy of Social Sciences & Chairman, Association for Religious Study in China);

3)“儒耶对话走向何方?--简评黄保罗<<儒家、基督宗教与救赎>>”,浙江大学教授王志成、朱彩虹 (Where Is Confucian and Christian Dialogue to Go? --- Comments on Paulos Huang’s Confronting Confucian Understandings of the Christian Doctrine of Salvation, by Wang Zhicheng & Zhu Caihong) (原载 A &HCI 刊物《道风:基督教文化评论》 (Published originally in Logos & PneumaChinese Journal of Theology,汉语写作发表于香港), No. 31,Spring 2009, 页 313-324,香港。又载《儒教研究》总第一期,2009年,页411-417。)

4)”封闭的基督徒与单方受益的儒耶对话——以黄保罗的研究为例”,北京大学哲学及宗教学系 孙尚扬教授 (Narrow-minded Christian and Unilateral-beneficial Dialogue between Confucianism and Christianity: Taking Dr. Paulos Huang’s studies for example, by Sun Sangyang , Professor, Philosophy and Religion Department, Beijing University) (原载一级核心刊物《哲学研究》(Originally published in Philosophical Researches), 2009年第5期,中国社会科学院哲学所,页51-57。)

黄保罗“儒基对话中的封闭与受益----回应孙尚扬教授” (The Problems of Narrow-Mindedness and Benefit ---- Response to Professor Sun Shangyang),载《哲学研究》(Philosophical Researches) 2009年第10期。

5)“利瑪竇的儒耶對話---- 兼評黃保羅與孫尚揚的論述和辯論”,香港浸会大学文学院副院长、宗教及哲学系罗秉祥教授(Matteo Ricci’s Confucian-Christian Dialogue----And Comments on the Dialogue and Argument between Paulos Huang and Sun Shangyang, by Prof. Lo Ping-cheung, Hong Kong Baptist University);附:孙尚扬教授对罗秉祥教授论文的点评回应 (Professor Sun’s rersponse to Professor Lo’s Article);

6)“《儒家、基督宗教与救赎》草读偶感” 北京大学哲学及宗教学系 张祥龙教授 (A Tentative Review on Confronting Confucian Understandings of the Christian Doctrine of Salvation, by Zhang Xianglong, Professor of Philosophy and Religion Department, Peking University);

7)”超越的對話與對話的超越----评黄保罗近著” 香港大学人文学院 宋刚助理教授 (Transcendent Dialogue and Dialogical Trascendence ---- Comment on Paulos Huang’s New Book, by Assistant Prof. Song Gang, University of Hong Kong);

8)“黄保罗关于儒基对话的新作” 蒙特利尔长老会学院 约翰斯通 荣休教授 (Review on Paulos Huang’s Confucian-Chiristian Dialogue, by emeritus Prof. Geoff Johnston, Presbyterian College, Montreal)(原载 (Published originally in The International Bulletin of Missionary Research), USA 10.2009);

9)“黄保罗儒基对话新作评述”,世华中国研究中心主席戴德理(G. Wright Doyle)博士 (Review on Paulos Huang’s New Book concerning Confucian-Christian Dialogue, by Dr. G. Wright Doyle, Director, Global China Center, USA, Published originally in www.globalchinacenter.org);

10)“黄保罗的儒基对话新作评述” ,约拿单 . 赛兹,美国新泽西州散特纳瑞学院,世界历史学助理教授 (Review on Paulos Huang’s New Book Concerning Confucian-Christian Dialogue , by Jonathan A. Seitz, PhD, Assistant Professor of World History, Department of Behavioral and Historical Studies, Centenary College,Hackettstown, NJ, USA)(原载台湾中原大學宗教研究所A &HCI 刊物《漢語基督教學術論評》(Published originally in Sino-Christian Studies)第 7 期,2009年6月, 199-204 页);

11)“韩国学者安晟浩与黄保罗博士关于儒基对话的通信” (A Letter between Korean Scholar Daniel Sung Ho Ahn and Paulos Huang concerning the Confucian-Christian Dialogue);

12)“双向式相互影响之中的儒家与基督教----黄保罗对儒基对话的贡献评定” ,格勒格森丹麦哥本哈根大学系统神学教授 (Confucianism and Christianity in Mutual Interaction: An Appraisal of Paulos Huang’s Contribution to the Dialogue, by Prof. Niels Henrik Gregersen, Department of Systematic Theology, Copenhagen University, Denmark);

13)“理解现代儒家的文化失色与意外的儒基及基儒之间的文化综合的历史事实” ,香港浸会大学宗教及哲学系 费乐仁教授 (Understanding the Modern Ruist Cultural Eclipse and the Unexpected Historical Realities of Ruist-Chrisitan and Christian-Ruist Cultural Syntheses, by Prof. Lauren F. Pfister, Department of Religion and Philosophy, Baptist University of Hong Kong);

14)“关于儒基对话批评与黄保罗的通信” (A Letter Between Pfister and Paulos concerning critiques on Paulos Huang’s Confucian-Christian Dialogue) ,香港浸会大学宗教及哲学系 费乐仁教授;

15)“荷兰 Brill 出版关于社黄保罗的系统神学著作评论”(Review on Paulos Huang’s Systematic Theological Book by Brill Publishing House)

16)“基督教的价值观吸引中国人----黄保罗研究儒家与基督教的对话”, 海莱娜 .. 基努宁,芬兰赫尔辛基日报记者兼评论员 (Christian Values Attract Chinese People ---- Paulos Huang made a study on the Confucian-Christian Dialogue, by Helena Kinnunen, journalist and reviewer from Helsingin Sanomat)(原载芬兰最大报纸 <<赫尔辛基日报>> (Published originally in Finnish biggest Newspaper Helsingin sanomat) ,2006年10月26日。);

17)“儒家的拯救靠善功” 吕特科宁,芬兰“祖国周刊”记者兼评论员 (Confucian Salvations is relied on Good Deeds, by Jussi Rytkonen, Theological Journalist from Finnish biggest Christian Weekly Kotimaa)(原载2006年10月26日出版的芬兰“祖国周刊”(Published originally in Kotimaa));

18) 黄保罗:“关于儒基对话的汉语学术神学新思考----敬答十六位评述者的总回应”( A New Thinking about Confucian-Christian Dialogue in the Light of Sino-Christian Academic Theology---- The Response to 16 Scholars),中文版附录。



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