WU Xiaoxin: Christianity in China: A Scholars’ Guide to Resources in the Libraries and Archives of the United States(2008)

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1.Christianity in China: A Scholars' Guide to Resources in the Libraries and Archives of the United States
Published by M.E. Sharpe
Volume editor: Wu, Xiaoxin
ISBN: 978 1 56324 337 0
Format: Hardback
Pages: 1800
List price(s): 162.50 GBP   244.95 USD   228.00 EUR
Publication date: 14 January 2008

Short description

A source for researching American Christian activity in China, especially that of missions and missionaries. It provides an introduction and guide to primary and secondary sources on Christian enterprises and individuals in China that are preserved in libraries and archives in the USA.

Full description

Now revised and updated to incorporate numerous new materials, this is the major source for researching American Christian activity in China, especially that of missions and missionaries. It provides a thorough introduction and guide to primary and secondary sources on Christian enterprises and individuals in China that are preserved in hundreds of libraries, archives, historical societies, headquarters of religious orders, and other repositories in the United States. It includes data from the beginnings of Christianity in China in the early eighth century through 1952, when American missionary activity in China virtually ceased. For this new edition, the institutional base has shifted from the Princeton Theological Seminary (Protestant) to the Ricci Institute for Chinese-Western Cultural Relations at the University of San Francisco (Jesuit), reflecting the ecumenical nature of this monumental undertaking.


Christianity in China: A Scholars's Guide to Resources in the Libraries and Archives of the United States

By Archie R. Crouch
Edition: illustrated
Published by M.E. Sharpe, 1989
ISBN 0873324196, 9780873324199
709 pages)

2.China and Christianity

Published by SCM Press

Editors: Wilfred, Felix   Tang, Edmond   Evers, George
ISBN: 978 0 334 03098 0
Format: Paperback
List price(s): 11.50 GBP
Publication date: 23 June 2008

Short description

Deals with some selected aspects of the encounter of China with Christianity. This book shows the connection between the spiritual crisis of people living in a society that is undergoing social change in China and the renaissance of religions.

Full description

This issue of Concilium deals with some selected aspects of the encounter of China and Christianity both from the past and from present times. It shows the connection between the spiritual crisis of people living in a society undergoing rapid social change in present-day China and the renaissance of religions.

3.Reference Guide to Christian Missionary Societies in China: From the Sixteenth to the Twentieth Century

Published by M.E. Sharpe

Author: Tiedemann, R.G.
ISBN: 978 0 7656 1808 5
Format: Hardback
Pages: 366
List price(s): 85.50 GBP   128.95 USD   123.00 EUR
Publication date: 31 October 2007

Short description

Assists scholars in their search for material on the anthropological, educational, medical, scientific, social, political, and religious dimensions of the missionary presence in China. This guide facilitates research concerning the history of Christianity in China as well as the wider Sino-Western cultural encounter.

Full description

This comprehensive guide will facilitate scholarly research concerning the history of Christianity in China as well as the wider Sino-Western cultural encounter. It will assist scholars in their search for material on the anthropological, educational, medical, scientific, social, political, and religious dimensions of the missionary presence in China prior to 1950.The guide contains nearly five hundred entries identifying both Roman Catholic and Protestant missionary sending agencies and related religious congregations. Each entry includes the organization's name in English, followed by its Chinese name, country of origin, and denominational affiliation. Special attention has been paid to identifying the many small, lesser-known groups that arrived in China during the early decades of the twentieth century. In addition, a special category of the as yet little-studied indigenous communities of Chinese women has also been included. Multiple indexes enhance the guide's accessibility.



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