作者:張志偉 出版社:國立臺灣大學出版中心 出版日期:2010年10月01日 語言:繁體中文 ISBN:9789860249156 裝訂:平裝 preview via Google Books:htt...
蘇精:《基督教與新加坡華人, 1819-1846》(2010)
作者:蘇精 出版社:清華大學 出版日期:2010年04月26日 語言:繁體中文 ISBN:9789868566712 裝訂:平裝 內容簡介 1819年新加坡開埠成為英國殖民地,基督教傳教士於同年抵...
作 者:褚潇白 出 版 社:中国社会科学出版社 出版日期:2011-03 ISBN:9787500495550 目录 读褚潇白《圣像的修辞》 序 致谢 绪论 第一节 研究对象和研究主题 第二节...
Miikke Ruokanen (Editor), Paulos Huang (Editor) . Christianity and Chinese Culture(2011)
Christianity and Chinese Culture [Paperback] Miikke Ruokanen (Editor), Paulos Huang (Editor) Paperba...
Thomas David DuBois, Religion and the Making of Modern East Asia(2011)
Thomas David DuBois, Religion and the Making of Modern East Asia(2011) Author: DuBois, Thomas Davi...
Hannah Davies, Isabella Bird, Among Hills and Valleys in Western China, Incidents of Missionary Work (2010, first edition 1901)
Hannah Davies, Isabella Bird, Among Hills and Valleys in Western China, Incidents of Missionary Work...
Michela Fontana, Matteo Ricci: A Jesuit in the Ming Court(2011)
Michela Fontana, Matteo Ricci: A Jesuit in the Ming Court(2011) Author: Fontana, Michela ISBN: 978...
Mary Laven, Mission to China: Matteo Ricci and the Jesuit Encounter with the East(2011)
Mary Laven, Mission to China: Matteo Ricci and the Jesuit Encounter with the East(2011) Author: La...
Nathan Faries, The Inscrutably Chinese Church: How Narratives and Nationalism Continue to Divide Christianity(2010)
The Inscrutably Chinese Church: How Narratives and Nationalism Continue to Divide Christianity By Na...
News Release: Spatial Network for Religious Studies in China
News Release 中国宗教空间信息研究网 Spatial Network for Religious Studies in China The Center on Religion and C...