Religions Special Issue: The Catholic Encounter with Chinese Thought, Society and Politics in the Ming–Qing Dynasties
https://www.mdpi.com/journal/religions/special_issues/14903643MN Special Issue Editor Prof. Dr. Thie...
Religions Special Issue: Texts, Interpretations, and Reception Histories in Chinese Christianity
https://www.mdpi.com/journal/religions/special_issues/DR021IE7F8 Special Issue Editors Prof. Dr. Qin...
Journal of Chinese Theology no.1 2024
Journal of Chinese Theology Aims and Scope The Journal of Chinese Theology, previously published as ...
国学与西学:国际学刊 (中英双语半年刊) International Journal of Sino-Western Studies (Chinese-English Bilingual Semi-a...
中国基督教研究 Journal of Research for Christianity in China ISSN:2325-9914 JRCC.ChineseCS.cn JRCC.ChineseC...
《宗教与历史》第1-13辑目录 第十三辑 主题演讲 书籍的文化间巡回传播:在17世纪的中国建构一个“之间”的文本社群(〔比利时〕钟鸣旦著,陈妍蓉译)/3~...
中国基督教研究 Journal of Research for Christianity in China ISSN:2325-9914 JRCC.ChineseCS.cn JRCC.ChineseC...
国学与西学:国际学刊 (中英双语半年刊) International Journal of Sino-Western Studies (Chinese-English Bilingual Semi-a...