Convegno internazionale Gesuiti siciliani del ’600 in Estremo Oriente Palermo, 4-5 dicembre 2014 Sal...
书:Francesco D’Arelli著:《利玛窦:中国的另一个不同的世界》(Matteo Ricci. L’altro e diversomondodellaCina)Il Sole 24 Ore...
David E. Mungello, The Catholic Invasion of China: Remaking Chinese Christianity (2015)
作者:David E. Mungello, 书名:《天主教侵入中国:重构中国基督教》(The Catholic Invasion of China: Remaking Chinese Christia...
Agustín Udiás, Jesuit Contribution to Science: A History (2015)
作者:Udiás, Agustín 书名:《耶稣会士的科学贡献:一段历史》(Jesuit Contribution to Science: A History) New York / Heidelb...
Probing, Problematizing and Prizing the Amputated Legge: [Re]Considering the Nature and Value of James Legge’s Chinese Works
Probing, Problematizing and Prizing the Amputated Legge: [Re]Considering the Nature and Value of Jam...
关于召开“《华裔学志》与西方汉学”学术研讨会的通知 《华裔学志》(Monumenta Serica)是20世纪30年代辅仁大学主办的汉学期刊,是国际汉学领域最重要的学术期刊之一。当时辅仁...