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    — A Virtual Academic Lecture Series at the Ricci Institute, 2021 Spring 


The Ricci Institute for Chinese-Western Cultural History at the University of San Francisco presents the Ricci Scholars’ Study Lecture Series 利氏學仁書齋系列講座 for the 2021 Spring Semester. This series continues our goal to promote research and the study of the history of Christianity in China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam by inviting specialists from across the world to share their research through virtual lectures. Each session (using the Zoom online platform) will be about 60 – 90 minutes long, including the main presentation and the discussion. All sessions are open to the public but require prior registration. Faculty, students, scholars, and others interested in these topics worldwide are invited to join us for these sessions. As the time of the lecture will depend on where you live, please to the attached time zone conversion table and verify the time of the lecture in your country or region. The lectures have been scheduled as follows:

April 22 (Thursday), 7:00 a.m. PDTThe Emperor’s Mistake: Western Music in China and the Creation of a Universal History by Ms. Qingfan Jiang, Doctoral Candidate, Columbia University.

May 6 (Thursday), 7:00 a.m. PDTLuís Fróis’s História de Japam: New Interpretations, Dr. Javier Takamura, University of Oxford.


May 13 (Thursday), 7:00 a.m. PDT: The Impact of Catholic Literature on the Faith Identity of Vietnamese Believers in Pre-modern Vietnam (1620-1900) by Rev. Anh Tran, S.J., Associate Professor Theology, Santa Clara University.


May 20 (Thursday), 7:00 a.m. PDT: Sources and History: Some Archival Collections in the Study of the History of Christianity in China, Japan, and Korea, by Rev. Dr. M. Antoni J. Ucerler, S.J., Associate Professor, University of San Francisco; Dr. Hongyan Xiang, Associate Professor, Colorado State University; Dr. Franklin Rausch, Associate Professor, Lander University.


In order to join the lectures, please register by CLICK HERE or copy and paste the URL: https://usfca.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0oG3ru37sm7UCB8. A Zoom link will be sent to all registered participants prior to the lectures.


For more information about the work of the Ricci Institute, please visit: http://www.ricci.usfca.eduhttps://ricci-institute.org, and https://www.facebook.com/pg/usfricci/posts/?ref=page_internal



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