Vol. 18, 2020 (2020年第十八期)
(June 2020, 2020年6月)
ISSN for Print Version: 1799-8204
ISSN-L for Print Version 1799-8204
E-ISSN for Online Version 2242-2471
网络电子版 (www:SinoWesternStudies.com)和微信版(国学与西学国际学刊)
本刊已被收入芬兰艺术 & 人文学索引 (芬兰国家图书馆)、美国宗教学 & 神学提要数据库(www.rtabstracts.org), 汤姆森路透新资料引用索引 (ESCI, Thomson Reuters) 和 美国神学图书馆协会数据库 (ATLA RDB®, www: http://www.atla.com), the Bibliography of Asian Studies, EBSCO's Academic research database as a part of a collection of Ultimate databases, SCOPUS, Globethics.net library (a journal collection and the Online Chinese Christianity Collection / OCCC), ELSEVIER and DOAJ (http://bit.ly/1IPWhtD).
卷首语 From the Editor's Desk
IJSWS # 18,pp. 1-21 Paulos HUANG, Tiangang LI, Only with Chinese and Western Compatibility can a Scholar become a Real Master
人学、神学与国学 Humanities, Theology, and Chinese National Studies
IJSWS # 18,pp. 25-38 David Jenkins, The Limits of Education and Technology for Ethical Thinking
IJSWS # 18,pp. 39-63 Miikka Ruokanen, Remarks on Tuomo Mannermaa's Interpretation of Martin Luther's Lectures on Galatians
实践神学与中西教会和社会 Practical Theology and Sino-Western Views on Church and Society
IJSWS # 18,pp. 67-76 FENG Jianzhang, A Study on the Construction of Civil Religions Dojo
IJSWS # 18,pp. 77-99 Matthew Oseka, How the Emerging Protestant Theology Took Shape in the Reformation Concept of Theological Studies as Enunciated by Philip Melanchthon in His Prolegomena to All Latin and German Versions
中西经典与圣经 Chinese and Western Classics and the Bible
IJSWS # 18,pp. 103-111 Donald WANG, Spirit in Atrahasis
IJSWS # 18,pp. 113-123 ZHAO Pan, Unchangeable and Changeable, Chen Chonggui's Biblical Interpretation and Chinese Society
教会历史与中西社会 Church History in the West and in China
IJSWS # 18,pp. 127-136 Shangyang SUN, Jianbin GUO, Globalization and Modernity On the Bridgehead Status of Macau in the Early Cultural Exchange Between China and Europe
IJSWS # 18,pp. 137-145 LIU Shibo, An Example of Ethnic Education History from the Perspective of Educational Anthropology
比较宗教文化研究 Comparative Religious and Cultural Studies
IJSWS # 18,pp. 149-158 Leonard Sidharta, Looking Into the Birth of Gods, A Philosophical Interpretation of the Origin of Idolatry
IJSWS # 18,pp. 159-166 LIU Junjun, Two Interpretations of Chinese and Hebrew Traditions, Taking the Book of Songs and Song of Songs as Example
书评与通讯 Reviews and Academic Reports
IJSWS # 18,pp. 169-174 LIU Jing, A Review on the Joint International Conference of Nordic Forum of Sino-Western Studies and 20th International Symposium on Bicosmology
IJSWS # 18,pp. 174-175 JIANG Miao, A Report on the International Research Project Regarding the Topic of the Impact of Religious Values on Chinese Social Life
IJSWS # 18,pp. 177-185 LIU Weidong, The View on the Philosophy of Love in Jacobi's Novel Woldmar
IJSWS # 18,pp. 187-219 Paulos HUANG, Archie Lee, Is it a literature, humanistic document, the Word of God, or a record of God-man interaction A Dialogue on the Hebrew Biblical Studies between Paulos Huang and Archie
附件 Attachments
IJSWS # 18,pp. 220-223 Notes for Contributors
IJSWS # 18,pp. 224-226 Footnote Format and Requirements