
Vol. 16, 2019 (2019年第十六期)
(June 2019, 2019年6月)

ISSN for Print Version: 1799-8204

ISSN-L for Print Version 1799-8204

E-ISSN for Online Version  2242-2471



网络电子版 (www:SinoWesternStudies.com)和微信版(国学与西学国际学刊)


引用索引:本刊已被收入芬兰艺术 & 人文学索引 (芬兰国家图书馆)、美国宗教学 & 神学提要数据库(www.rtabstracts.org), 汤姆森路透新资料引用索引 (ESCI, Thomson Reuters) 和 美国神学图书馆协会数据库 (ATLA RDB®, www: http://www.atla.com), the Bibliography of Asian Studies, EBSCO's  Academic research database as a part of a collection of Ultimate databases, SCOPUS, Globethics.net library (a journal collection and the Online Chinese Christianity Collection / OCCC),  ELSEVIER and DOAJ (http://bit.ly/1IPWhtD).


目录 Contents
卷首语 From the Editor's Desk
IJSWS # 16,pp.1-17 YOU Bin, Paulos HUANG, New Interpretation of Martin Luther in the Perspective of Christian Sinicization
人学、神学与国学 Humanities, Theology, and Chinese National Studies
IJSWS # 16,pp. 21-33 LAI Pan-chiu, Justification by Faith and Protestant Christianity in China With Special Reference to the Finnish Interpretation of Luther
IJSWS # 16,pp. 34-46 GU Tao, Confucius and Job The Poor in Spirit
实践神学与中西教会和社会 Practical Theology and Sino-Western Views on Church and Society
IJSWS # 16,pp. 49-57 HUANG Chao, QIN Junhui, The Investigation of the Phenomenon of Stealing Sheep by Almighty God Cult in the West Rural Area of Hubei
IJSWS # 16,pp. 58-67 LAI Shih-Kung, A Binary Approach to Modeling Complex Urban Systems
中西经典与圣经 Chinese and Western Classics and the Bible
IJSWS # 16,pp. 71-77 LI Qiuling, Kant's Attitude to Luther's Theology in the Light of Hermeneutic Principle
IJSWS # 16,pp. 78-102 ZHANG Xiping, Joachim Bouvet’s Interpretation on the Inner Chapters of Book of Changes
教会历史与中西社会 Church History in the West and in China
IJSWS # 16,pp. 105-110 HUANG Mingdong, WU Tingyan, FENG Huimin, General Education in Wuhan University:A History and Prospect
IJSWS # 16,pp. 111-124 XIAO Qinghe, Angelology in Late Ming On Gao Yizhi (Alphonse Vagnoni,1566-1640) and Shengui zhengji (True Recordings on Gods and Ghosts)
比较宗教文化研究 Comparative Religious and Cultural Studies
IJSWS # 16,pp. 127-144 TIAN Wei, Tr WANG Dafei, On Limits of Confucian Conception of Immortality and Supporting Path from Christian Everlasting Life
IJSWS # 16,pp. 145-153 FENG Zilian, Extension of Innate Knowing and Christia Present in Faith A Comparative Study of Wang Yangming's and Mannermaa's Ethical Theory
书评与通讯 Reviews and Academic Reports
IJSWS # 16, pp. 157-162 XU Fenglin, On the Concept of Freedom of the Eastern Fathers of the Church
IJSWS # 16, pp. 163-171 YANG Daosheng, The Reformation and the Change of Iconography in Western Art
IJSWS # 16, pp. 173-234 Paulos HUANG, A Report on the Workshop Spiritual Humanism Martin Luther and Confucianism
附件 Attachments
IJSWS # 16, pp. 235-242 Notes for Contributors, Footnote Format and Requirements
全文下载 Download the Full Text
IJSWS # 16, 全文 Full Text pp. 1-242.pdf

注释体例及要求Footnote Format and Requirements

* Neither English abstracts nor key words are provided for the foreword from the editor’s desk, book reviews and academic reports.




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