
ChineseCS 《国学与西学》评论6,8471字数 754阅读2分30秒阅读模式

International Journal of Sino-Western Studies

Chinese-English Bilingual Semi-annual

国学与西学: 国际学刊(汉英双语半年刊)(网络版)

主编:黄保罗Editor-in-chief: Paulos HUANG

副主编:肖清和Vice-editor-in-chief: XIAO Qinghe

ISSN for Print Version 纸质国际标准期刊号 1799-8204

ISSN for Online Version 网络电子版国际期刊号 2242-2471

本刊已被芬兰国家图书馆、美国宗教与神学提要 (R&TA) 、托马森路透 the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) ,ATLA Religion Databas® (ATLA RDB®,http://www.atla.com), the Bibliography of Asian Studies,  EBSCO 和 SCOPUS  数据库收录。


Vol. 12, 2017 (2017年第十二期)

June 2017, 2017年6月




目录 Contents

卷首语From the Editor’s Desk*

黄保罗: 对话与批判:十六世纪的宗教改革与现代性           

Paulos HUANG, Dialogue and Critique: The 16th Century Religious Reformation and Modernity


人学、神学与国学Humanities, Theology, and Chinese National Studies


LEE Man Yiu, "Being-free-for-the-other: Bonhoeffer on Sex and Marriage"


FENG Zilian, Anders Nygren’s Agape Ethics and its Contemporary Defenses


实践神学与中西教会和社会Practical Theology and Sino-Western Views on Church and Society


LU Zhen, Influence of Media Commodification on Family Kinship and Solution of Gracious Education



Michael W H Chan, Kace C N Chiu, Survey of Hong Kong Christians’attitude on Marriage 


中西经典与圣经Chinese and Western Classics and the Bible


BAO Zhaohui, On Biblical the View of Marriage and Its Significance in the Era of Secularization. With the Case Study of Genesis 2.4-24



PU Rongjian, An Analysis on Biblical Marriages and Related Ethics


教会历史与中西社会 Church History in the West and in China

GAO Yuan, Augustine’s Conception of Sexuality and Marriage: A Defense against Alignment of Human Merits on Continence

高  源 :奥古斯丁性与婚姻观:驳禁欲功德的排序


王涛 :婚姻圣事中的性事:圣多马斯的婚姻伦理

Anthony Tao WANG, Sexuality in the Sacrament of Matrimony: St. Thomas Aquinas’ Ethics of Marriage


比较宗教文化研究Comparative Religious and Cultural Studies


WANG Daw-Wei, The Third Way between LGBT and the Church── Experience of "Forum of Friendly Interflow"


賴品超:神爱与人爱: 路德与多玛斯之间

LAI Pan-chiu, Divine Love and Human Love:  Between Martin Luther and Thomas Aquinas


书评与通讯Reviews and Academic Reports

郭鸿标 : 从神学角度看婚姻

Benedict H. B. KWOK, Marriage in the Perspective of Theology



ZHENG Xiaoyun, Contemporary Chinese Religious Philanthropy Experiences and the Trend of Development


The Committee of IJSWS Five Documents concerning the Amendment to the New Marriage Act in  Finland

本刊编辑部 : 关于芬兰婚姻法修订案的五个文件


投稿须知Notes for Contributors

注释体例及要求Footnote Format and Requirements

Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement





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