Postdoctoral Announcement,乔治城大学博士后申请(2017)

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Postdoctoral Fellowship for Chinese Scholar of Religious Studies, Georgetown University

Georgetown University's Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs in Washington, DC, invites applications for a postdoctoral fellowship for the fall 2017 semester.  Candidates should be based at a Chinese university or institute, engaged in research at the intersection of religion, society, and world affairs, and have a strong command of English. The 5-month fellowship (August-December 2017) is open with respect to academic discipline, and carries a $20,000 stipend plus health insurance and travel allowance. The fellowship includes a 12 hour/week commitment to help develop Chinese-language resources for the Berkley Center and Georgetown websites. 


Information about the Center and the University can be found at: and Applicants should send a letter of interest, CV, and contact information for three references via email to, by midnight on Sunday, March 26, 2017. Decisions will be made by late April 2017. 

神學研究獎助計畫 职位与奖项申请


財團法人周聯華牧師紀念基金會為鼓勵學人對基督教學術與文化之相關主題進行深入而有系統之研究,特設立 神學研究獎助計畫之獎勵。謹將相關獎勵細節提供於后,煩請將此訊息轉知貴校師生為禱! 獎助主題:以基督教本...


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