
ChineseCS 《国学与西学》评论5,6112字数 2479阅读8分15秒阅读模式

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卷首语From the Editor’s Desk*

黄保罗                        从马丁 . 路德的政治神学来反思基督教的中国化

Paulos HUANG                 A Reflection on the Sinicization of Christianity from Martin Luther’s     

                            Perspective of Political Theology


人学、神学与国学Humanities, Theology, and Chinese National Studies

ZHU Xiaoyuan                  The Religious Context of the German Peasants’ War

朱孝远                        德意志农民战争中的宗教


王倩                   宗教改革时期的“基督教之爱”

WANG Qian             Christian Love in the Religious Refomation


实践神学与中西教会和社会Practical Theology and Sino-Western Views on Church and Society

杨煦生                       世界伦理构想的时代语境与精神语境          

YANG Xusheng        Temporal and Spiritual Context of the Concept of a Global Ethic


杜佳峰                        论萨伏纳罗拉的基督徒正当生活

LIN Jiafeng               On Savonarola's Righteous Christian Living


中西经典与圣经Chinese and Western Classics and the Bible

刘林海                       托马斯•M. 林赛及其对宗教改革时期的《圣经》解释

LIU Linhai                 Thomas M. Lindsay and His Interpretation of the Scripture in the Reformation


徐乐天                       浅谈马丁路德论教皇的权威

XU Letian                  On Luther’s Teaching on the Authority of Pope


教会历史与中西社会 Church History in the West and in China

侯树栋                         关于十一世纪教会改革的两点思考

HOU Shudong           Two Points on 11th-Century Church Reform


李宇恒                       托马斯・莫尔的人文主义宗教观

LI Yuheng                  Thomas More’s Religion of Humanism


比较宗教文化研究Comparative Religious and Cultural Studies

孟广林                       中西文化传统中的 “神(天)”人关系观

MENG Guanglin          Relations between “God/Heaven” and Man in the Chinese and Western Cultural


Sze Ting Chow   Animals and Monsters in Woodcuts of the German Reformation

周施廷                        德国宗教改革木刻版画中的动物和怪兽


书评与通讯Reviews and Academic Reports

周熙云                      约翰•维特 《从圣礼到契约 西方传统中的宗教,婚姻和法律》

ZHOU Xiyun             A Review of John Witte, Jr.’s From Sacrament to Contract: Marriage, Religion

                                     and Law in the Western Tradition

徐天                            埃克•沃尔加斯特的《维滕贝格的神学与新教等级政治:政治问题中路德


XU Tian                                 A Review of Eike Wolgast’s Die Wittenberger Theologie und die Politik der evangelischen Stände. Studien zu Luthers Gutachten in politischen Fragen


世光                           超越差异探索文化的共通之处《利玛窦:紫禁城里的耶稣会士》评介

SHI Guuang                         Beyond Difference: exploring the intersection of cultures. A review of R. Po-Chia Hsia's Li MadouZijincheng li de Yesuhuishi [Matteo Ricci: the Jesuits in the Forbidden City]


投稿须知Notes for Contributors

注释体例及要求Footnote Format and Requirements


* Neither English abstracts nor key words are provided for the foreword from the editor’s desk, book reviews and academic reports.

《西学东渐研究》(2023) 刊物撷英


《西学东渐研究》第12辑,北京:商务印书馆,2023年。   目录   《康熙年间两广总督石琳与法国船“安菲特利特”号的广州之行》 梅谦立 1-33 《法国商船“安菲特利特”号航行...


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