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第七届得奖的论文──黄建兴博士的论文《师教研究──中国南方法师仪式传统》(A Research on Shijiao: The Ritual Traditions of Fashi in South China)。黄博士采用了历史人类学的研究方法去重构南中国丰富多元的「法师」仪式与驱邪活动(例如「师教」)的关系,并以「师教」作为分析类别,综合了普遍的宗教文本数据及田野考察去查找不同地方的「法师」传统与乡村文化的关系。此论文亦成为以历史民族志研究进行有关中国宗教及社会的良好范例。黄博士善用了广泛的历史及民族志资料,并结合他在南中国多个地区的长期田野考察所得,有关研究资料的运用亦令人难忘,黄博士亦以其宗教专家的角度,而非以意念、符号及意义的方向去研究中国宗教实践,此研究对于我们了解南中国当地仪式作出了重大的贡献,对「宗教与中国社会研究」这课题亦贡献良多。









The 8th CSRCS Ph. D. Dissertation Award (2014-2016)

New submission deadline on 31 August 2016


Centre for the Study of Religion and Chinese Society (CSRCS), Chung Chi College, was established in 1996. To promote the study of religion and Chinese society and to provide publication opportunities for promising young PhD graduates, the Centre has launched the CSRCS PhD Dissertation Award since 2003.


The responses of the past seven terms have been inspiring and encouraging. The winners of the last seven awards were Dr. Zhang Xianqing of the College of Humanities, Xiamen University, Dr. Zhu Feng of the Department of History, Fujian Normal University, Dr. Huang Jianbo of the Institute of Anthropology, Renmin University of China, Dr Chen Bin from the Department of Sociology, College of Public Administration at Hunan Normal University, Dr. Xiao Qinghe from Department of History, Shanghai University, Dr. John Stewart Barwick of the Department of History, University of Alberta and Dr. Huang Jianxing from Centre for China Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Their researches are groundbreaking in their respective fields of religious studies.


Last term, Dr. Huang Jianxing dissertation entitled “A Research on Shijiao: The Ritual Traditions of Fashi in South China” was conferred the 7th Award in July 2014.


The 8th CSRCS Ph. D. Dissertation Award is now open for application. The new submission deadline for submitting applications is August 31, 2016. Fresh Doctoral graduates are welcome! We sincerely invite you to apply or recommend a PhD graduate to apply.


Please refer to the above application instructions and application form or visit the below website http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/ccc/csrcs/award/news.html for more information. For further enquiries, please email to csrcs@cuhk.edu.hk.


Application Guidelines>>>

Application Form>>>



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