Doctoral studentship

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Doctoral studentship:

Oriental Arcadia: The entangled histories of living with nature, China and Europe


The College of Humanities at the University of Exeter is offering a PhD studentship beginning in September 2015, working for the EU Marie Curie-funded project ‘Nature Entangled’ at the University of Exeter:


One Doctoral Studentship (open to UK/EU and International students): all tuition fees paid an annual maintenance grant for three years. The maintenance grant will be £13,863 per year.

Deadline: 10th June 2015


We are seeking candidates with an interest in exploring the intercultural relations associated with the idea of living with nature and the concurrent conceptual changes in landscape design, health and wellbeing, psychology, moral philosophy, and/or governance linking early modern Britain, classical Europe, and China. Candidates should develop their own research proposal to address some aspect of the broad subject area. Preference may be given to candidates with previous knowledge or interest in environmental (landscape), medical, cultural history or literature of Europe and/or China of the 17th -18th centuries.


The main PhD study will be based in the natural landscape of the Streatham campus of the University of Exeter. The student may spend half a year in Fudan University (Shanghai) for research and fieldwork. Language skills such as Chinese, ancient Greek, Latin, Italian, French, or Dutch are desirable.


For more information about the studentship please visit



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