Feng-Chuan Pan: The Burgeoning of a Third Option, Re-reading the Jesuit Mission in China from a Global Perspective (2013)

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Feng-Chuan Pan: The Burgeoning of a Third Option, Re-reading the Jesuit Mission in China from a Global Perspective (2013)

Pages: pp. 229
Date: 2013
Publisher: Ferdinand Verbiest Institute K.U.Leuven
Place of publication: Leuven

ISBN: 978-9082090918

Louvain Chinese Studies XXVII

"The Burgeoning of a Third Option” presents new insights in missionary strategies, inspired by the author’s re-reading of the Jesuit mission in China. The book itself is the fruit of glocal hermeneutics after one and a half decades of reading and re-reading the dialogue with the Jesuits and Chinese literati in late imperial China. The first reading, which formed the author’s master thesis, was a philosophical comparison between the Fujian Confucians and Aleni’s Scholastic tradition. The second reading was published in 2002 and called for a ‘transforming religious encounter”. The history of the Jesuit mission in China was re-interpreted from a religious perspective, giving attention to the religious dialogue, both intra-religious and inter-religious.

This present book is the third reading of the Jesuit mission in China, and the publication of the author’s doctoral dissertation, presented in 2006 at the University of Leiden (the Netherlands). Starting with Jacques Gernet’s controversial book about the failed encounter and the misunderstandings between China and Europe, and ending with the proposal that the West might learn from China, she leads us through the discussions about the meaning of the Chinese rites and the adequate name for the Christian God to the German philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716). A most important point of this dissertation is the new view on the problems which occurred because of the different ways of China and Europe to perceive the relation between God and the world.




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