The Encounter of Chinese and Western Philosophies: A Critique. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2023. Ben...
Jeff Kyong-McClain, Joseph Tse-Hei Lee, From Missionary Education to Confucius Institutes (2024)
Jeff Kyong-McClain, Joseph Tse-Hei Lee, From Missionary Education to Confucius Institutes (2024) Fro...
David Francis Urrows, François Ravary SJ and a Sino-European Musical Culture in Nineteenth- Century Shanghai (2023)
David Francis Urrows, François Ravary SJ and a Sino-European Musical Culture in Nineteenth- Century ...
Tobias Brandner, Christians in the City of Hong Kong (2023)
Tobias Brandner, Christians in the City of Hong Kong: Chinese Christianity in Asia's World City Bloo...
作者:刘志庆、尚海丽 出版社:宗教文化出版社 出版时间:2023年4月 内容简介: 修会(Religious Orders and Congregations)是天主教会的重要组成细胞,分男、女修会,...
The Registered Church in China: Flourishing in a Challenging Environment
In The Registered Church in China,Wayne Ten Harmsel pulls back for Western readers the shroud of mys...
The Church of the East in Central Asia and China
The diffusion of Christianity along the Silk Road from Iraq and Iran to China in the premodern era h...
A Chinese Jesuit Catechism: Giulio Aleni’s Four Character Classic 四字經文
This book is the first scholarly study of the famous Jesuit Chinese children’s primer, the Four Char...
People, Communities, and the Catholic Church in China
This book explores the Chinese Catholic Church as a whole as well as focusing on particular aspects ...
John Song: Modern Chinese Christianity and the Making of a New Man
Dubbed the "Billy Sunday of China" for the staggering number of people he led to Christ, John Song h...