张文木:《基督教佛教兴起对欧亚地区竞争力的影响》(2015)作者: 张文木 出版社: 清华大学出版社出版年: 2015-3-1定价: 38装帧: 平装ISBN: 9787302381969自序:“神自...
出版社: 中国社会科学出版社; 第1版 (2015年3月1日)平装ISBN: 9787516154908条形码: 9787516154908商品尺寸: 23.8 x 16.8 x 2 cm商品重量: ...
Zhang Qiong, Making the New World Their Own (2015)
NEWS FROM EUCHINA Zhang Qiong, Making the New World Their Own: Chinese Encounters with Jesuit Scienc...
Dongshin Chang: Representing China on the historical London stage(2015)
Dongshin Chang, [ 張東炘 ] Representing China on the historical London stage: From Orientalism...
川原秀城編『西学東漸と東アジア』岩波書店 (2015).
川原秀城編『西学東漸と東アジア』岩波書店 (2015).(Kawahara Hideki (ed.) The Eastward transmission of Western learning and...
Ji Li, God’s Little Daughters: Catholic Women in Nineteenth-Century Manchuria (2015)
Ji Li, God's Little Daughters: Catholic Women in Nineteenth-Century Manchuria (2015) God's Little Da...
Wright Doyle, Builders of the Chinese Church: Pioneer Protestant Missionaries and Chinese Church Leaders (2015)
Wright Doyle, Builders of the Chinese Church: Pioneer Protestant Missionaries and Chinese Church Lea...
REVOLUTIONARY Full Bible Theology from Israel, China’s Sole Path to Superpower Preeminence(2015)
Mendel Edwardson, REVOLUTIONARY Full Bible Theology from Israel, China's Sole Path to Superpower Pre...
Ruiwen Chen, Fragrant Flowers Bloom (2015)
Ruiwen Chen, Fragrant Flowers Bloom: T. C. Chao, Bliss Wiant and the Contextualization of Hymns in T...
Rodney Stark, Xiuhua Wang.A Star in the East: The Rise of Christianity in China (2015)
Rodney Stark, Xiuhua Wang.A Star in the East: The Rise of Christianity in China (2015) Hardcover: 16...