艾儒略:《性学觕述》译注 译注者:梅谦立、潘大为 本书是明末清初著名来华意大利籍天主教耶稣会传教士Giulio Aleni(艾儒略,1582–1649)的著作《性学觕述》的英文译注本。艾儒略是利玛窦之...
ISBN:9787520161671 出版社:社会科学文献出版社 出版日期:2020-07-01 开本:16开 抗日战争时期基督宗教的信仰与实践是宗教学研究的热门话题,但有关于此主题的资料散落于靠前外...
Sophie Ling-chia Wei, Chinese Theology and Translation: The Christianity of the Jesuit Figurists and their Christianized Yijing (2020)
This book uncovers the Jesuits’ mystic theological interpretation in the translation of the Book of ...
編注者:黎子鵬 出版社:臺灣大學出版中心 出版時間:2020-09 頁數:384 裝幀:平裝 定價:NT$ 550 元 ISBN:9789863504108 ...
Limin Bai, Fusion of East and West: Children, Education and a New China, 1902-1915 (2019)
In Fusion of East and West, Limin Bai presents a major work in the English language that focuses on ...
Xiaoxuan Wang, Maoism and Grassroots Religion: The Communist Revolution and the Reinvention of Religious Life in China (2020)
Maoism and Grassroots Religion explores grassroots religious life under and after Mao in Rui'an Coun...
Daryl R. Ireland, John Song: Modern Chinese Christianity and the Making of a New Man (2020)
Dubbed the Billy Sunday of China for the staggering number of people he led to Christ, John Song has...
This information is from Dr. Dudink @EUChina Ye Nong & Shao Jian 葉農,邵建 (點校整理), Renguo liu...
《〈天主實義〉與中國學統——文化互動與詮釋》 The True Meaning of the Lord of Heaven and the Chinese Intellectual Tradition...