In Fusion of East and West, Limin Bai presents a major work in the English language that focuses on ...
Xiaoxuan Wang, Maoism and Grassroots Religion: The Communist Revolution and the Reinvention of Religious Life in China (2020)
Maoism and Grassroots Religion explores grassroots religious life under and after Mao in Rui'an Coun...
Daryl R. Ireland, John Song: Modern Chinese Christianity and the Making of a New Man (2020)
Dubbed the Billy Sunday of China for the staggering number of people he led to Christ, John Song has...
来源:>>> 捧讀《吳耀宗全集》卷四上下冊,內心有著莫名的激動……自2015年卷一出版後,到2020年9月,四卷合共七冊的全集,終於完成了…… 其實,《全集》的計劃,可追溯至2007...