Francis Khek Gee Lim, Christianity in Contemporary China: Socio-cultural Perspectives (2012)

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Francis Khek Gee Lim, Christianity in Contemporary China: Socio-cultural Perspectives (2012)

Hardcover: 240 pages
Publisher: Routledge; 1 edition (September 30, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0415528461
ISBN-13: 978-0415528467

Christianity in Contemporary China: Socio-Cultural Perspectives

7th and 8th Nov 2010
Venue: HSS Conference Room (HSS-05-57) (map)

Organized by: 
Centre for Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (CLASS), Nanyang Technological University

In collaboration with: 
Division of Sociology, Nanyang Technological University

Keynote Speakers

"Signs and Wonders: Christianity and Hybrid Modernity in China”
Professor Richard Madsen, University of California, San Diego
"From 'Christianity in China' to 'Chinese Christianity': Changing Paradigms and Changing Perspectives”
Professor Peter Ng, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Invited Speakers

"Trying to make sense of history: Revivalist Christianity in China and their theological political interpretation of past and present history"
Tobias Brandner, Chinese University of Hong Kong

"Images of Jesus in contemporary Chinese popular culture"
Common Chan, Chinese University of Hong Kong

"Civil Society and the role of the Catholic Church in contemporary China"
Seguire Chan, Hong Kong Baptist University

"Calvin, culture and Christ? Developments of faith among Chinese intellectuals"
Fredrik Fällman, Stockholm University

"A Weberian Approach to urban/rural dynamics in Christianity in contemporary China"
Huang Ke-hsien, Northwestern University

"The house-church identity and preservation of Pentecostal-style Protestantism in China"
Kao Chen-yang, National Chengchi University, Taiwan

"The emergence of Christian subcultures in China: Beginnings of an inculturation from the grassroots?"
Katrin Fiedler, China Information Desk 

"Saints, Secrets, and Salvation: Emergence and Development of Spiritual-Religious groups in the PRC after 1978"
Kristin Kupfer, Freelance researcher

"Co-optation and its Discontents: The Seventh-day Adventism in China"
Joseph Tse-Hei Lee, Pace University, New York 

"The religious pattern of relationship structure in contemporary China: on the case of relationships between Buddhist and Christian"
Li Xiangping, East China Normal University

"Re-mapping Boundaries: Christianity and community formation among the minority nationalities"
Francis Lim, Nanyang Technological University

"Multiple Tensions and Dualistic Structure: A Sociological Study on Religious Market Theory and China’s Rural Christianities"
Liu Fang, Fudan University

"Christian Identity as Disobedient Narratives during China’s Post-Communist Transition"
Ma Li, Tongji University
Li Jin, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

"Three-Self Protestant churches, the local state and religious policy implementation in a north-eastern Chinese city"
Mark McLeister, University of Sheffield

"Making Sense of China’s State-Society Relations: Protestant House Churches in the Reform Era"
Teresa Wright, California State University, Long Beach
Teresa Zimmerman-Liu, California State University, Long Beach

"Christian Ethics and Business Life: an ethnographic account of overseas Chinese Christian entrepreneurs in China’s economic transition"
Joy Tong, Purdue University

"Unifying the Nation: Protestant Reactions to the Chinese Communist Party’s Nationalist Agenda Inside and Outside the Official Religious Associations"
Carsten Vala, Loyola University, Maryland

"Towards a public theology with Chinese characteristics: Prospects for engagement of the church with the civil society"
Paul Woods, Singapore Bible College

"Sino-Christian studies in contemporary China: A public interpretation" 
Xie Zhibin, Shanghai Normal University

"The religiosity of popular Chinese cinema and its implications for contemporary Christianity"
Yam Chi-Keung, Chinese University of Hong Kong

"A church on the second-floor: a case study of a Protestant congregation in a residential building in Hong Kong"
Gustav K.K. Yeung, Chinese University of Hong Kong

"Beyond religion, politics, intellectuality and territory: How is Christianity transforming China?"
Yu Ying, Nottingham University 

"Migration, Church and State: Migrant Christians and Migrant Churches in Wenzhou, “Chinese Jerusalem”"
Zhu Yujing, Chinese University of Hong Kong
China’s religious revival in recent years is a poignant indication of the significant role religion continues to play in the lives of many Chinese. As China globalizes and persists in its modernization effort, the various religions and spiritual movements are often compelled to engage in intricate negotiations with an officially atheistic ruling party that seeks to maintain hegemonic control over society. According to a number of surveys, Christianity has become one of the fastest growing religions in China. This international conference aims to provide an interdisciplinary platform for scholars to examine the complex ways in which Christianity shapes, and is shaped by, China’s contemporary social and cultural developments.

Given the increasing transnational flows of capital, ideas and personnel in and out of China these days, findings from the conference will shed important light on the shifting contours of China’s civil society as religion becomes an important element in its society and culture.



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