Christianity in East and Southeast Asia (2020)

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Kenneth R. Ross, Francis Alvarez, Todd M. Johnson ed.s, Christianity in East and Southeast Asia (2020)

Christianity in East and Southeast Asia (2020)

246mm x 189mm
568 pages
32 colour illustration(s), 65 b&w table(s), numerous tables and charts showing demographic data
Edinburgh Companions to Global Christianity
Published March 2020
Edinburgh University Press

Hardback: 9781474451604
eBook (PDF): 9781474451628

Series Preface

Volume Preface



A Demographic Profile of Christianity in East and Southeast Asia; Gina A. Zurlo

Christianity in East and Southeast Asia; Francis D. Alvarez SJ


Mainland China (Protestant); Manhong Melissa Lin

Mainland China (Catholic); Edmond Tang

Mainland China (House Churches); David Ro

Hong Kong; Fuk Tsang Ying

Macau; Louis Ha

Mongolia; Bayarjargal Garamtseren

Taiwan; Yang-En Cheng

North Korea; Philo Kim

South Korea; Meehyun Chung

Japan; Akemi Kugimiya

Myanmar; Hrang Hlei

Thailand; Seree Lorgunpai and Sanurak Fongvarin

Laos; David Andrianoff

Cambodia; Barnabas Mam

Vietnam; Peter C. Phan

Indonesia; Sulistyowati Irianto

Malaysia; Hwa Yung

Singapore; Violet James

Brunei; Francis D. Alvarez SJ and Kenneth R. Ross

The Philippines; Jayeel Cornelio

Timor Leste; Filomeno Jacob SJ

Major Christian Traditions

Anglicans; Ken Christoff Miyamoto

Independents; Editorial Note

Orthodox; Nikolay Samoylov and Ambrose-Aristotle Zographos

Protestants; Timothy T. N. Lim

Catholics; Daniel Franklin E. Pilario CM

Evangelicals; Kang-San Tan

Pentecostals/Charismatics; Julie Ma

Key Themes

Faith and Culture; José Mario Francisco SJ

Worship and Spirituality; Wonsuk Ma

Theology; Alexander Chow

Social and Political Context; Sebastian C. H. Kim

Mission and Evangelism; Septemmy E. Lakawa

Gender; Sharon A. Bong

Religious Freedom; Paul Marshall

Inter-Religious Relations; Sivin Kit

Migration; Maruja M. B. Asis

Colonial and Post-Colonial Context; Wai Ching Angela Wong


The Future of Christianity in East and Southeast Asia; Mary Ho



Christianity by Country


Combines empirical data and original analysis to give a uniquely detailed account of Christianity in East and Southeast Asia
Profiles the leading features and current trends of each of the major Christian traditions in every country in East and Southeast Asia

Written by indigenous scholars with expertise in their field

Assesses the direction of Christian faith in East and Southeast Asia in relation to such key themes as faith and culture, worship and spirituality, theology, social and political engagement, mission and evangelism, religious freedom, gender, inter-faith relations, migration, environment and the colonial and post-colonial context

Attractively presents statistical and demographic information

Taking the analysis of worldwide Christianity to a deeper level of detail, this volume focuses on Christianity in East and Southeast Asia, covering every country and offering both reliable demographic information and original interpretative essays by indigenous scholars and practitioners. It maps patterns of growth and decline, assesses major traditions and movements, analyses key themes, and examines current trends. As a comprehensive account of the presence of Christianity in every country in East and Southeast Asia, this volume is set to become a standard work of reference in its field.


Francis D. Alvarez S.J., Loyola School of Theology and Ateneo de Manila University, the Philippines.
David Andrianoff
Maruja M. B. Asis, Scalabrini Migration Center, the Philippines.
Sharon A. Bong, Monash University, Malaysia.
Yang-en Chengm, Taiwan Graduate School of Theology, Taiwan.
Alexander Chow, University of Edinburgh.
Meehyun Chung, Yonsei University, South Korea,
Jayeel Cornelio, Ateneo de Manila University, the Philippines.
Sanurak Fongvarin, Research Institute for Thai Church Development and Christian University of Thailand, Thailand.
José Mario C. Francisco S.J. , Ateneo de Manila University, the Philippines, and Pontifical Gregorian University, Italy.
Bayarjargal Garamtseren, Mongolian Union Bible Society and Mongolian Research Institute for Christianity, Mongolia.
Louis Ha, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Hrang Hlei, Indiana Chin Baptist Church, USA.
Mary Ho, All Nations Family, USA.
Sulistyowati Irianto, University of Indonesia.
Filomeno Jacob S.J., Pontifical Gregorian University, Italy.
Violet James, Singapore Bible College, Singapore.
Todd M. Johnson, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, MA, USA.
Philo Kim, Seoul National University, South Korea.
Sebastian C. H. Kim, Fuller Theological Seminary, CA, USA.
Sivin Kit, Malaysia Theological Seminary, Malaysia
Akemi Kugimiya, Shirayuri University, Japan.
Septemmy E. Lakawa, Jakarta Theological Seminary, Indonesia.
Timothy T. N. Lim, Carey Baptist College, New Zealand, and London School of Theology, UK.
Manhong Melissa Lin, China Christian Council and Nanjing Union Theological Seminary, China.
Seree Lorgunpai, Thailand Bible Society, Thailand
Julie Ma, Oral Roberts University, OK, USA.
Wonsuk Ma, Oral Roberts University, OK, USA.
Barnabas Mam, Ambassadors for Christ International, Cambodia.
Paul Marshall, Baylor University, TX, and Hudson Institute, DC, USA.
Ken Christoph Miyamoto, Kobe Shoin Women’s University, Japan.
Peter C. Phan, Georgetown University, DC, USA.
Daniel Franklin E. Pilario cm, Adamson University, the Philippines.
David Ro, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, MA USA.
Kenneth R. Ross
Nikolay Samoylov, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia.
Kang-San Tan, BMS World Mission, UK.
Edmond Tang, University of Birmingham, UK.
Wai Ching Angela Wong, United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia, Hong Kong
Ambrose-Aristotle Zographos (Song-Am Cho), Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, South Korea.
Gina A. Zurlo, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, MA, USA.

《国际汉学译丛》第1辑(2023) 新书出版


目 录 中国哲学研究 米洛什·茨尔年斯基与中国哲学 [ 塞尔维亚] 伊利亚·马里奇 著 洪羽青 译 康德谟著:老子与道家 [ 法] 康德漠 著 胡 迅 译 中西文化交流史研究 闵明我评注龙华民《关于上...


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