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[关键词] 天主教 传教士 明代 清代

Abstract:This paper discusses extant Catholic missionary sources for
the study of the history of China from the Late Ming to the mid-Qing
period. It offers a brief survey of documents generated by
Franciscans, Dominicans, the Missionsétrangères de Paris, and
discusses in greaterdetail the historical records associatedwith the
Jesuits: their genre, generation, characteristics, and extant
distribution. It discusses the particular area ofMing-Qing history
that are especially well documented by missionary sources; and it
offers a guide to users for sources related to China in the Biblioteca
juda in Lisbon and the Archivum Romanum Siocietatis Iesu in Rome.
Key words:Jesuits; Christian missionaries; Ming Dynasty; Qing Dynasty

内容提要 在近代来华的基督教医疗传教士的记述中较多地记载了他们初到一地,虽曾遇到当地士绅和官府的排斥,却也得到一些普通民众的热心帮助;随着熟悉
关键词 中外交往 基督教 医疗传教士 西方近代医学 地方社会

W hy did They Love China? ChristianM edicalM issionaries and Local
Society, 1835―1911

In the records ofChristian medical missionaries in modern China, they
frequently note that though they were excluded by the local gentry and
officials when they first arrived in a location, they also received
enthusiastic assistance from some commoners. As their familiarity and
understanding increased, they could live in harmony with local Chinese
society and ordinary people, and even became mutually assisting parts
of the neighborhood. Furthermore, because the social living conditions
that Christian medical missionaries enjoyed in China were superior to
what they had in Western countries, and because medicine was highly
respected and generously supported, many of them began to“love
China.”In this sense, the success of Christian medical missionaries in
China was not just due to the therapeutic superiority of modern
Western medicine and the dedication of the missionaries themselves,
but also due to the modesty and good will of ordinary people and the
charitable traditions of China’s deeply customary local society. More
importantly, the acceptance of Christian medical missionaries by
ordinary people and Chinese local society, and the good treatment the
missionaries received from them deeply affected the ways in which
these Westerners―who had forcibly entered China in the wake of the
unequal treaties―re-evaluated Chinese society and reflected on Chinese



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
