New Book: Traces the history of the Catholic mission in Shanxi from the earliest Jesuit enterprise t...
马智慧:《王宏翰中西会通研究》(2013)浙江大学博士论文。 王宏翰中西会通研究 马智慧 【摘要】:王宏翰是清代初期中西文化大碰撞、大交流的时代,主动与西学展开对话,在医学、天文、地学乃至思想等多个领...
著 作 者: 周振鹤主编 字 幅 数: 2222千字 印 张: 131.375 排印方式: 简体横排 开 本: 大32开 装 帧: 精装 出版时间: 2013年12月 版 次: 1版1次 标准...
Confucian Rituals and Chinese Villagers (2013)
Confucian Rituals and Chinese Villagers: Ritual Change and Social Transformation in a Southeastern C...
The Missionary’s Curse: And Other Tales from a Chinese Catholic Village (2013)
The Missionary’s Curse: And Other Tales from a Chinese Catholic Village. By Henrietta Harrison, Univ...
Ecclesiastical Colony: China’s Catholic Church and the French Religious Protectorate (2013)
Ecclesiastical Colony: China’s Catholic Church and the French Religious Protectorate. By Ernest P. Y...
The Spirit of Things: Materiality and Religious Diversity in Southeast Asia (2012)
The Spirit of Things: Materiality and Religious Diversity in Southeast Asia. Ed. Julius Bautista, It...
Chinese Basket Babies: A German Missionary Foundling Home and the Girls It Raised (1850s-1914)
Julia Stone, Chinese Basket Babies: A German Missionary Foundling Home and the Girls It Raised (1850...
special issue on “Christianity and China” for The Chinese Historical Review 20, no.1 (2013)
The Chinese Historical Review Print ISSN: 1547-402X|Online ISSN: 2048-7827 Volume 20 Issue 1 (May 20...
Christianity in Contemporary China: Socio-Cultural Perspectives (2013)
Christianity in Contemporary China: Socio-Cultural Perspectives, edited by Francis Khek Gee Lim (Lon...