作者: 王德龙 出版社: 中国社会科学出版社 副标题: 贾玉铭生平及思想研究 出版年: 2017 页数: 258 定价: 24.00元 装帧: 平装 ISBN: 9787520309684 ...
The Registered Church in China: Flourishing in a Challenging Environment
In The Registered Church in China,Wayne Ten Harmsel pulls back for Western readers the shroud of mys...
The Church of the East in Central Asia and China
The diffusion of Christianity along the Silk Road from Iraq and Iran to China in the premodern era h...
A Chinese Jesuit Catechism: Giulio Aleni’s Four Character Classic 四字經文
This book is the first scholarly study of the famous Jesuit Chinese children’s primer, the Four Char...
People, Communities, and the Catholic Church in China
This book explores the Chinese Catholic Church as a whole as well as focusing on particular aspects ...
John Song: Modern Chinese Christianity and the Making of a New Man
Dubbed the "Billy Sunday of China" for the staggering number of people he led to Christ, John Song h...
China and the True Jesus: Charisma and Organization in a Chinese Christian Church
In 1917, the Beijing silk merchant Wei Enbo's vision of Jesus sparked a religious revival, character...
The History of Christian Missions in Guangxi, China
The History of Christian Missions in Guangxi, China describes the fascinating history of Catholic an...
China’s Old Churches The History, Architecture, and Legacy of Catholic Sacred Structures in Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei Province
Alan Sweetens Chinas Old Churches presents a long-term historical view of Catholicism in north China...
The Kaleidoscopic City: Hong Kong, Mission, and the Evolution of Global Pentecostalism
The Kaleidoscopic City explores the development of Pentecostalism in Hong Kong between 1907 to 1942....