Melissa Wei-Tsing Inouye, China and the True Jesus: Charisma and Organization in a Chinese Christian...
Religious Entrepreneurism in Chinas Urban House Churches: The Rise and Fall of Early Rain Reformed Presbyterian Church (2019)
This book offers a unique historical documentation of the development of the ambitious religious ent...
Catholic Missionaries in Early Modern Asia: Patterns of Localization (2019)
Over recent decades, historians have become increasingly interested in early modern Catholic mission...
Christianity, Femininity and Social Change in Contemporary China (2019)
Women make up the vast majority of Protestant Christians in China―a largely faceless majority, as th...
People, Communities, and the Catholic Church in China (2020)
Cindy Yik-yi Chu, Paul P. Mariani ed.s, People, Communities, and the Catholic Church in China (2020)...
Songs of the Lisu Hills: Practicing Christianity in Southwest China (2020)
Aminta Arrington, Songs of the Lisu Hills: Practicing Christianity in Southwest China (2020) ...
作者: (比)鐘鳴旦 譯者: 張佳譯 出版社:上海古籍出版社 出版日期:2020/01/01 語言:簡體中文 內容簡介 本書所討論的主題是禮儀在文化交流中所扮演的角色,具體地說,是喪禮在17世紀中歐交...
編者: 王成勉 出版日期:2019/12/27 語言:繁體中文 內容簡介 「日本帝國下的基督教會」是一個難度很高的研究主題。因為日本帝國不斷的擴張,與當時已經遍佈亞洲的基督教會有著各式的互動關係。在研...